The Street Address Management page can be used to quickly display a list of students and their associated addresses and any address issues. It offers the ability to easily edit addresses from this screen as well.
The Address Search tab offers the ability to search for and display addresses and issues. Keep/skip queries are honored on this page. The address search tab can be utilized even if not using address validation.
The Functions tab allows for a Mass Validate process, which will validate all student residence addresses in the current school or district. It also has options to mass update the Next School or Residential School fields. The first time this page is used, it is recommended to run the Mass Validate process. This validation process utilizes existing address validation methods utilizing the Streets table.
NOTE: If using the Mass Update options, the mass updates will occur before the validation occurs so that address issues are accurately recorded.
Address issues are stored in the Address Validation Issues (STU.AVI) field, and the date the address was last valid is stored in the Address Valid Date (STU.AVD) field. These fields can be queried as needed. The data from these fields are also displayed on the Student Demographics page. The Address Verified Flag (STU.AV) is an optional checkbox that is utilized to mark the student's current address as manually verified for accuracy. This is skipped by default when running the Mass Validate process.
NOTE: If a date is populated in the STU.AVD field, the address is considered "valid" according to the Streets table. If a date is populated, no address validation issue messages will display, even if there is data in that field.
It is recommended that the Mass Validate All button be run with the default options if this is the first time using this page.
The Functions tab allows for a Census Block Group Management. Census Block Check populates Census Block numbers for ALL students. Census Block Reset clears ALL Census Block numbers. These functions may be run at either the district or school level. Keep/Skip queries are honored on this page.
NOTE: The first time Census Block Group is populated, clear all existing data using the Census Block Reset button for all students.
To utilize this page, users will need permissions to update addresses. Additionally, the Functions tab is only available to those users who have Mass Update permission to the STU security area.
After running the Mass Validate process, the user will receive an email with a count of addresses processed and errors.
NOTE: Not all errors should be of concern. For example, a student on an intra-district transfer would likely show an error since their address is not within the school boundaries. This data could be confirmed by filtering the Inter-district code on the Street Address Management page under More Options.
For customers utilizing the Streets table, the following is a list of possible address related issues:
- Address not found in the Streets table - This indicates that the address, or parts of the address do not match the streets table. This could include a misspelling in the street name, or a street number not in range
- Address is in the enrollment area of {school name} - This issue displays when the current school is different than the school specified in the Streets table.
Also for the Streets table, these errors are generated only when mass validating, and not during individual validations. Additionally if the correct data can be determined, it will be displayed along with this error:
- Invalid Next School - The Next School field (STU.NS) does not match the school specified in the Streets table for the student's next grade. If the correct next school can be determined, it will be displayed along with this error.
- Invalid School of Residence - The Residential School field (STU.RS) does not match the school specified in the Streets table. If the correct residential code can be determined, it will be displayed along with this error.
- Invalid Grid Code - The Grid Code field (STU.GC) does not match the grid code specified in the Streets table. If the correct grid code can be determined, it will be displayed along with this error.