EXAM-1 – Student Participation in the SAT Reasoning Test or ACT

Students who participated in the SAT or ACT or both – an unduplicated count of students that participated in the SAT or ACT test as determined by the SAT or ACT option defined on the Codes tab anytime during the 2021-22 school year.

  • These counts are limited to students in grades 9 -12.
  • The program will check the College Entrance Test (CTS) table for records where CTS.NM = ACT or CST.NM = SAT I and the test date is within the 2020-21 school year.  The student will be counted only once regardless how many tests they have taken. 
  • The student test participation counts will be applied to their primary enrollment school when they took the test.
  • See ENRL-1 for additional information on which records are included in the counts as well as demographic breakdowns.