The Effective Permissions Report provides a cumulative view of user account permissions.

User accounts can be granted various levels of access to data within Aeries (Read, Insert, Update, Delete, Mass Update and Administer) based on security applied either directly to the user account or via the user account’s membership in security groups. This report will summarize a user account’s security access at the time the report is run.

The report can be accessed by navigating to Reports, Other, Effective Permissions or for an individual account by going to Security, User, selecting a specific user and then clicking the Print Effective Permissions button. 

When accessed via Reports, Other, Effective Permissions, the following report options are presented.

The report can be limited by Aeries account type (User, Teacher, Substitute teachers), filtered for multiple users or filtered down to a specific user account. To filter by account types, select the desired account type under Users on the Effective Permissions Report Options page.

Selecting the Limit to Specific Users’ check box will allow you to further filter your report. (You can use shift-click and ctrl-click to select multiple accounts in the resulting grid if desired.)

To further filter accounts by  Last name, First name, Status, or Account Type, click the filter icon in the grid after having selected Limit to Specific Users. Multiple line filters can be utilized at the same time. 

To clear any line filters, select the filter button as above and the select the clear button.

The report may also be filtered by security area. The default is Include All Security Areas.

If the default Include All Security Areas check box is cleared, the option to select specific security areas is presented.

The report can be further filtered by permission type and/or year and grouped by either security area or user account name.  

Note: When selecting permission types (Read, Insert, Update, Delete, Mass Update, Administer), all actual permissions for a particular table will be reported if any one of the selections is true. If the user account does not have at least one of the selected values, the permission summary for that item will not appear on the report. 

The permissions report may also be limited to the current school. Limiting the permissions report to a specific school is necessary if you would like to include the site specific Portal Group permissions on your report as Portal Group permissions (ie teacher) can differ by site. 

When the report is accessed via the Security, User, Print Effective Permissions button, the following form appears and the report is filtered for the current user account.

If a teacher user account type is selected and the specific teacher has a record at more than one school, a window will open asking which school you would like to report as school level Portal Permissions can differ.

Note: The Admin Aeries Account type has all permissions and is not included on the Effective Permissions Report reports

Sample Reports

Reports, Other, Effective Permissions report by Security Area

Reports, Other, Effective permissions report by User

Security, User, Print Effective Permissions report