Standards Based Grade Reporting for Secondary Schools allow schools to define which standards are linked to a course and then identify which of those standards should display on the report card. During the grade reporting period teachers can enter grades for each standard as well as an overall grade for the course.  Teachers can use the Load Grades from Gradebook process to import both the individual standard grades and the overall course grade.

Since the Secondary Standards Based Grade Reporting process is built within the Grade Reporting module, all steps for creating secondary report cards must be followed along with setting up the secondary standards. For more information on setting up and maintaining secondary Grade Reporting please see the Grade Reporting articles.

Standards Based Grade Reporting for Secondary Schools MUST be set up prior to use. Standards must be assigned to courses and schools must select the grade range that will utilize Standards Based Grade Reporting for their secondary grades. Translations can be entered for the Standards, Marks, and other secondary report card codes with up to 6 Correspondence Languages. The printing of the translated standards, marks and codes is determined by the students’ Correspondence Language

Once the Secondary Grade Reporting Cycle has been initialized, changes should not be made to the Standards, Grade Reporting Codes, or Secondary Standards Based Grade Reporting Options.

NOTE: Secondary Standards Based Grade Reporting is an option within the Grade Reporting module. Please see the Grade Reporting articles for information on how to set up and maintain secondary report cards. The Secondary Standards Based Grade Reporting articles explain how to set up standards based grading within the secondary report cards.