Attendance Letter Options are used to apply a specific set of attendance requirements to a specified Letter Set. Attendance Letter Options Sets need to be configured for the group of schools that letters will be sent. Some examples of Letter Option Sets are High School Absent, Elementary Absent, High School Tardy and Elementary Tardy.
At the District level, navigate to School Info > Configurations > Attendance Letters > Attendance Letter Options. The Attendance Letter Options page is only available at the District level.
Click on the Add button to create a Letter Option.
The New Option Set edit page will be displayed. Add a Description to identify the Option Set. After the Option Set is saved, the Description will be displayed in the list of Option Sets on the left. To edit an existing Option Set, click on its Description and its details will be displayed for review and/or editing.
Select from the Letter Set drop-down to choose a letter that will be sent with this Option Set. If you have not created any Letter Sets, create them using the Attendance Letter Editor.
Choose which Attendance Count Type to count for the number of Absence Codes counted to send a letter. Based on the Attendance Count Type selected, certain options and schools will be displayed below.
These options are the same as the options on the school Attendance Letter to Parents report options page.
- Use All-Day attendance codes instead of periods – Only All-Day absences will be counted.
- Count individual period attendance codes for totals - Will calculate the number of absences by individual periods only.
- Class/section attendance codes can be counted instead of periods.
- A Full Absence Report can be included. The Student Attendance report will be generated in addition to the printed letter or email.
- Use All-Day AND Period attendance codes for totals - Both All Day and Period attendance codes will be counted
- When this Attendance Count Type is selected, an additional option will display: Require period codes to occur on different dates – Will require the period absences to occur on different dates in order to be counted. For example, if a student has an All-Day Code, the period absences for that date will not be included in the calculation.
- Combine all period attendance codes for totals.
- When this Attendance Count Type is selected, an additional option will display: Display attendance totals by class instead of period (splits A/B Days and M-W-F/-T-R classes)
- A Full Absence Report can be included - the Student Attendance report will be generated in addition to the printed letter or email.
Other options include:
- Align Date drop-down will select whether the letter's sending date is left, center, or right-aligned
- Align Return Address
- School Notification Emails - This may be used to notify staff members at multiple school sites when district letters are generated and sent. A comma or semicolon delimited list of emails can be entered.
- Print All Prior Letter Dates - will print previous letters and the date sent on the bottom left of the letter up to 6 letters. When a student has previously received more than 6 letters, the footer will print the latest 6 Letter Dates.
- Include Full Attendance Report - option will display when the Attendance Count Type is a period attendance and not an All-Day attendance letter.
- Double Window Envelope
- Add Student Name Above Address
The schools that should be included in the list of students counted for the letter should be selected.
Press Cancel to cancel any changes or additions. Press Save to save the Option Set.
Examples of Letters
Below is an example of a letter with the following options.
Note: An image can be added to the Letter Editor
The Student Attendance report will print in addition to the letter if the option Include Full Absence Report is selected.
Below is an example with the following options.
Note: Custom Text can be added to each batch of letters by adding [CustomText] to the Letter Editor
Once letters have been generated and sent, the Attendance Letter Options should not be changed. A warning message will display.