Display Class Totals for a Teacher and Period
Navigate to Scheduling Process > MST Board.
The Master Schedule Board is an Aeries™ program that has been created to assist the user with updating the Master Schedule.
Part of the scheduling process usually involves a white board with the Periods, Teachers and different colored labels with the names of the classes to be scheduled. The labels are then moved around to try and create a successful Master Schedule for the upcoming semester or school year.
The design of this Aeries™ program is to eliminate manually moving the colored labels around on a white board and then entering the changes into the database. Once the sections have been rolled over into the Master Schedule, this program will allow the user to easily move or drop classes instantly.
The Master Schedule Board form will display with the current MST schedule. To select a different Semester, click on Fall or Spring. Options are also available to Sort by Teacher Name or to Skip Teacher Aides. These options can be selected by clicking on the radio button.
Display Class Totals for a Teacher and Period ↑
To display class totals for a particular Teacher and Period, click on the selected Period for a Teacher. All classes scheduled for that Period will display at the top of the form. The Section Number, Period, Block, Term, Days Scheduled, Course ID, Course Title, Room Number, Maximum Students, Total Student and Left (available seats) fields will display. The Max column displays the total number of seats available for students to be scheduled into. The Total column displays the current number of students scheduled in the class and the Left column displays the number of seats still available.
In the example below, Period 4 for Teacher Alvarado is the selected period and is highlighted, all classes taught by Teacher Alvarado now display at the top of the form. The information in the Master Scheduled Board cell reads, Accel Span II + 2/37. Accel Span II is the Course Title, +2 indicates that the teacher also has two additional classes scheduled for that period, /23 indicates that an overall total of 37 students are scheduled into the teacher’s classes for that period.
Class List ↑
To display a listing of students in a class, click on the selected Period and Teacher and the class will be highlighted. Click the checkbox in the Select column. Click the List button.
Displayed below is an example of the Class List Report with all students currently enrolled in the selected class.
Drop a Class ↑
Classes can be dropped from the Master Schedule Board if there are no students in the class and if no Course Attendance (CAR) records exist for the class.
To drop a class from the Master Schedule Board, click on the selected Class and the class will be highlighted and will display at the top of the form. Click on the Delete button to the left of the Section Number.
The following confirmation message will display. Click OK to complete the drop.
If students are scheduled into the class or if there are existing Course Attendance records for the class, the message below will display alerting you that the class cannot be dropped.
MST Board Report ↑
The Master Schedule Board Report is available by selecting the Print Board button in the upper right corner of the page or navigating to Reports > Master Schedule Board.
The Report Options will provide many various options that can be included when printing the report.
The following is an example with options above selected:
The report can also be printed on Legal Size paper.