If districts elect to enroll students with a birthday after June 2nd into the TK program, the Attendance Audit Listing Report has a new feature that assists with proper ADA reporting for the 2024/2025 school year.
When running the Attendance Audit Listing Report, enter the non-ADA code used in student program (STU.SP) that students are assigned if their birthday is after June 2nd. In the example below, T = non-ADA code.
The report validates birthdays for students participating in a TK program.
- If a student is 5 years old and has a non-ADA code in STU.SP, the student will be listed on the report so that the non-ADA code can be removed.
- If a student is not 5 years old by June 2nd and does not have the non-ADA code in STU.SP, the student will be listed on the report so that the code can be applied.
Running the Attendance Audit Listing Report before submitting attendance data to the district office for each attendance month insures that errors are resolved and ADA is accurate. Click Attendance Audit Listing Report for further information.
Note: Please refer to CDE documentation on ADA procedures for TK and all students. CALPADS Update Flash #228 has more information. According to the CDE's Transitional Kindergarten FAQ, TK students who turn 5 years old on or before June 2nd can be reported for ADA starting on the first day of the school year. TK students who turn 5 years old after June 2nd should not be reported for ADA until they turn 5.