Using Analytics Dashboards and Query

Analytics - Working With the Student List

Student Groups

Navigating the Dashboard - Using Dashboard Tools and Filters

Navigate to Aeries Analytics > Analytics Dashboard

Applying an Item Filter to an individual Dashboard graph regarding Schools, Grades or SubGroups will automatically adjust the chart data being viewed. The updated filter settings for each user are stored in the User Account Options (UAO) table. Filters will be remembered and displayed each time a user accesses the Analytics Dashboard area. Filters can be modified at any time.  

Clicking on a section of the chart will display the students associated with that specific section of the chart.

Analytics Dashboard - Filtered chart to High Schools and display list of students from a section of the chart

Dashboard Tools

The Dashboard has the following button options that can be found in the top right corner of the dashboard area. LCAP Dashboards will only display the Dashboard Filters button. 

Analytics Dashboard buttons

Dashboard Filters

Filters can additionally be applied to all charts in a Dashboard group by using the Dashboard Filters option on the top right of the page. When users apply a filter at the Dashboard level, the filter selections will be pushed down to all of the dashboard items.

Analytics Dashboard Filters button

In the example below, a filter was applied to only display data for Screaming Eagle High School and Grades 9-12. The data in the charts in this dashboard were updated according to the filter and a label was added to the bottom of each chart identifying the filter. 

Filter applied to school and grade level

The Dashboard level filters for each user are stored in the User Account Options (UAO) table. Filters will be remembered and displayed each time a user accesses the Analytics Dashboard area. Filters can be modified at any time.

The Dashboard Filters have a Search option to help search for school name, grade or subgroup name. Typing criteria in the search box will display relevant results. 

Analytics Dashboard Filters - search feature


The Settings button displays the Dashboard settings including the Name of the dashboard as well as the Security Groups the dashboard is shared with. 

Analytics Dashboard Settings button


The Dashboard Copy button allows an existing dashboard to be copied. It provides a Copy Dashboard option box where a new name for the copied dashboard can be added. It also allows setting if the dashboard can be Shared.

Analytics Dashboard Copy button


The Dashboard Delete button will delete a dashboard. Only user accounts with appropriate security permissions to the dashboard area will be allowed to use Delete. The below message will display before a deletion can occur. 

Analytics Dashboard Delete message

Add Items

The Add Items button on the Dashboard allows for the quick addition of an already existing item to be added to the dashboard. To select an existing item to add to the dashboard click on the Add Items - Plus button to add the item to the Dashboard symbol next to the item.

Analytics Dashboard Add Items button

The Add New Item option at the bottom of the Add Dashboard Items dropdown can be used to add a new item to the Dashboard. Clicking on Add New Item will bring up a configuration wizard. 

The configuration wizard allows you to set up the item. 

Step 1 focuses on the visual aspects of the item. 

Analytics Dashboard Add New Item step 1

Step 2 will ask for a name for the Item. If the type of item was designated as a Chart on Step 1 it will also ask the user to select an Analysis Indicator to be associated with the item. If on Step 1 the type of item was designated as a List Step 2 will ask for Number of Students to display.

Analytics Dashboard Add New Items step 2

Step 3 asks which schools should be associated with the item being created.

Analytics Dashboard Add New Items step 3

Step 4 asks which grade levels to associate with the item. Step 4 also displays a Preview and a Save button. The Save button will save the newly created item. 

Analytics Dashboard Add New Items step 4

The Preview button can be used to preview what the newly create item will look like before saving it. Clicking on Preview will display a preview window. Clicking on the Previous button in Step 5 will take the user out of preview mode. Clicking on Save in the preview mode will save and create the new Item. Below is an example of preview mode before save. 

Analytics Dashboard Add Items Preview

Dashboard Item Tools

Navigate to Aeries Analytics > Analytics Dashboard > individual chart on the dashboard

The Dashboard Items have 6 icons on the top right corner. 

Analytics Dashboard Item tools

 The Edit icon brings up an Edit Dashboard Item window where the Dashboard Item can be modified. 

Analytics Dashboard Item - Edit icon

Analytics Dashboard Item - Edit Dashboard Item page 1

The Image icon allows the user to download an image of the Dashboard Item.

Analytics Dashboard Item - Image icon

The Link icon will provide Public URL information.

Analytics Dashboard Item - Link icon

Note: The default settings in the AeriesNetConnections.config file must point to the same database as the generated URL for the generated URL to successfully return a graph/data. Please contact Aeries Support if you need assistance checking your AeriesNetConnections.config file. 

The Info icon when clicked will display the Dashboard item Threshold information. 

Analytics Dashboard Item - Information Icon

Analytics Dashboard Item - Info icon display

The Expand icon when clicked will expand that Dashboard Item into a larger display.

Analytics Dashboard Item - Expand icon

The X icon on the individual Dashboard Items will remove that item from that particular dashboard. A warning message will display to confirm the decision before it is removed. 

Analytics Dashboard Item - Remove icon

Warning message when removing Item

Dashboard Item Filters

Navigate to Aeries Analytics > Analytics Dashboard > individual chart on the dashboard

This chart shows the distribution of English Learners by grade level. Filters can be used to view the data by school and ELPAC levels in order to develop intervention strategies.

Analytics Dashboard Item - English Learners by Grade - unfiltered

Using the Item Filters to drill down, select high school only – note the chart has adjusted to only show grades 9-12.

Analytics Dashboard Item Filters - Schools tab

Analytics Dashboard Item filtered by High Schools result

Apply a Subgroup filter for ELPAC - Beginning - Somewhat Developed English and a total of 48 students are found.

Analytics Dashboard Item Filters - SubGroups tab

Analytics Dashboards Item filtered by Beginning SubGroup result

Right click on the chart or click on Students to see the names of the students.

Analytics Dashboard Item - Students tab

NOTE: The updated filter settings for each user are stored in the User Account Options (UAO) table. Filters will be remembered and displayed each time a user accesses the Analytics Dashboard area. Filters can be modified at any time.  

Using Analytics Dashboards and Query  

Navigate to Aeries Analytics > Analytics Dashboard > select a Chart or Watch List on a Dashboard

To run a Query navigate to Query

Aeries Analytics allows you to KEEP students that are in a Watch List or in a Chart. Once the students are kept queries can be run using only those kept students. In the below example the Golden Eagle students that achieved the lowest performance level of the most recent SBAC test are kept.

Analytics Dasboard - KEEP students example

Then the following query is run in Query to create a report of these students with their most recent SBAC and ELPAC scores.


Query results of student kept from Analytics Chart

Additional conditions can be used in Query to limit results or enhance information. In the below example a KEEP query is used to limit the students that have already been kept from the Analytics chart to only include those students with Early Warning Points (STU.RP) > 10. Also, the Early Warning Point field (STU.RP) is added to the LIST query.

  • KEEP STU IF RP > 10
  • Add STU.RP to the Query above so that it reads:


Modified Query results with Early Warning Points

It is also possible to just get a list of students by grade level with at risk points greater than a given number


Query results of Students with high Early Warning Points

Analytics - Working With the Student List  

When working with the list of students, the student records can be selected and Intervention records or Supplemental Attendance records can be created for them, or the Keep Students button can be selected and a query can be run for these students.

Analytics Dashboard Chart - Student list

Set Student

Alternatively, the Set button can be selected for a student. This is equivalent to “Getting” the student. Once a student is Set in Aeries Analytics, the user can navigate to a different part of the system to review that student’s records. In the below example we selected Set for Edward Cortes…

Analytics Dashboard Chart - Student list using Set

and then navigated to the Attendance page to view his attendance.

Analytics - Set Student and then navigate to Attendance page

Create Supplemental Attendance Records

Analytics allows for the ability to Create Supplemental Attendance Records for students by using the Create Supp Att Rcds button on the Student List. Students can be selected in a variety of ways:

  • select all students by clicking on the check mark in the header
  • select individual students by clicking on the box to the left of their ID
  • select specific grade levels by using the Item Filters to limit by Grade and then use the check mark in the header

Analytics - select students and Create Supplemental Attendance records

Create Intervention Records

There is also the ability to Create Intervention Records for students by using the Create Intervention Rcds button on the Student List. Use the same method of selecting student as described in the Create Supplemental Attendance Records section above.

Analytics - select students and Create Intervention records

Student Groups  

Navigate to School Info > Student Groups

Student Groups can be linked to Aeries Analytics Indicators and will dynamically update with new students nightly or when indicators are manually processed.

To create a new dynamic student group click on the Add button, enter the Group Name, dates and Group Description if desired, and click on the Dynamic Analytics Group option. Click on the Insert button to add the Student Group.

Student Groups page

Next select the Analytics Indicator(s) and Level(s) that will be used to populate this group. Additionally, staff members can be given Read access to this group in the Associated Staff Members tab. Click on Save when all selections have been made.

Student Groups - Associated Analytics Items tab

The list of students will be populated based on the Analytics Indicator and levels that were selected. Every time Analytics is re-processed (either nightly or manually) the Student Group list is updated. The Use this Group button can be used to KEEP the students in this group for further review or processing.

Student Groups - Use this Group button