From the Student Data node in the navigation menu click on Grades and then Transcripts.  The Student Transcript page will display. Use the Student Search to select the student.

  • Add 1 Record - Click the Add 1 Record button to add a single transcript record to a student’s transcript.
  • Mass Add Records – provides an interface to add several records to a student’s transcript at once (see the Mass Add Records article for more details)

  • Change a Student's Mark – Click the Edit icon next to the transcript record that needs to be updated. Click in the Mark field.  Type the new grade mark. Adjust Atmp and Comp credits if appropriate.
  • Change More information - Within Edit mode other transcript information that is collected for reporting purposes can also be updated, such as enrollment information, course citizenship mark, section number and staff ID. 
  • Delete a Course Entry - To delete an entry from Course History click the Edit icon next to the transcript record that needs to be removed.  Click the Delete icon and a message will display.  Click OK and the entry will be deleted.
  • Recording a Waiver of a Graduation Requirement (for example Health) - To add a course to be waived, click the Edit icon next to the transcript record that needs to be updated and enter X under the Mark column (X must be previously set up as a valid mark).  Enter the correct amount of credits to be waived under the Atmp (attempted) column. Enter 0.00 under Comp (completed) column.  The Graduation Status will reflect this change for this particular student with a decrease in the Credits Required for the subject area that is being waived and an increase of the same number of credits in the Electives Credits Required.
  • Tagging Courses That Have Been Repeated – Click on the Edit icon next to the transcript record that needs to be updated. Select a value from the Repeat Tag (RT) drop down. The values produce the following effects:

Repeat Tag (HIS.RT) Credit AttemptedCredit CompletedCount in GPA
Blank entryYESYESYES

An example why a course will be flagged with the R repeat tag: A student receives a D for a course and has 5.0 credits attempted and 5.0 credits completed. He repeats the same course in summer school to take advantage of the opportunity for a better grade. He receives a B with 5.0 credits attempted and 5.0 credits completed. Tagging the grade record that was repeated with the R repeat tag will count credits attempted but NOT the credits completed. This will ensure that the student's subject area credits are not overstated by 5 credits due to taking the exact same course more than once. 

Transcript Fields and Functions

  • Graduation Track - a display of the graduation track that the student is assigned to. The Graduation track can be set on the Graduation Status page.
  • Graduated - a date field used to indicate the graduation date
  • Grad Stat – status code to identify how the student graduated, such as, GED, Diploma
  • Expected Grad - the date a student is expected to graduate. This is an informational field. 
  • Comment field – Text box used to enter extra data that will typically print on the transcript if it's set up in transcript definitions. Six lines will print on the transcript. Note: users must have specific permission to the Transcript Comment security area to view or update this field.
  • Transcript Definition drop down next to the Print button - displays the Transcript Definitions available to select for printing
  • College Reqs - will navigate to the College Request page
  • Grad Status - will navigate to the Graduation Status page
  • Limit (9-12) - restricts the transcript records that display on the page to the selected grade levels. Courses that are in the Off Grade Courses table will continue to display despite the grade range selection.
  • Print Student Legal Name – when selected, the student’s legal name saved in the Legal Student Information (LSI) table will be printed on the transcript. Only users that have permission to the LSI table can see or print this information. Note: the checkbox will only be visible if the student has a different legal name populated. For more information on the Student Legal Information fields please refer to our document Legal_Student_Information.pdf  posted on our website.

  • Sort by Subject - displays the courses alphabetically by Course Subject Area on Transcript form
  • Sort by Date Descending – displays the courses in descending date order
  • Schl – school where the course was taken
  • Year - school year that student earned the mark in this course
  • Tm - refers to "term" usually a 1 for Fall or 2 for Spring
  • Grd – grade when the course was taken
  • Crs ID – assigned course id set up in the Courses (CRS) table
  • Std Course Title - course title assigned to the course id in the Courses (CRS) table
  • RT - a "repeat column" to indicate a student repeated a class
  • CP - College Prep course as defined in the Courses (CRS) table
  • N/H - Non-Academic or Honors course as defined in the Courses (CRS) table
  • Mark –Refers to the grade mark received
  • Atmp/Comp columns – refers to the credits attempted and credits completed
  • Special Crs Title – a different course title can be entered to print on the transcript
  • Subject Area Override - Allows a course to count toward a different subject area, such as Local Credits. This is useful when a student repeats a course that is matched to a state credit course, but cannot earn state credits again for that same course.
    NOTE: The Subject Area Threshold GPA calculation will use the Subject Area Override (HIS.SA) value rather than the Courses Subject Area (CRS.S1) value to determine if a transcript record will be included the the GPA calculation. 

More Button - Click the More button to display additional data for the transcript record. The Copy Grades to Transcript function automatically populates the information outlined in blue. The information can be manually updated while in Edit mode by entering or updating the data and clicking the Save icon for the transcript record.

Texas specific

  • Course Characteristics - Multiple Characteristics can display for a course on a student's transcript. Course Characteristics are added to courses on the Courses page and are displayed in the Characteristics field on a student's transcript. Course characteristics added directly to a course are linked directly to the course and cannot be deleted from a student's transcript record.
  • Transcript characteristics - Additional Characteristics, Transcript characteristics, can be added to courses listed on a student's transcript record. Transcript Characteristics are displayed in the Characteristics field along with Course Characteristics. Transcript Characteristics are stored in the CHC table and can be deleted if they no longer apply to the student's transcript record. If deleted, the Transcript Characteristic will be tagged as inactive in the CHC table. See the Characteristics section on the Courses - General Information documentation for additional information.
  • Red Flag - can be found in the top right corner of the page.

Other fields are available to hold information related specifically to courses. However, these fields will only appear when the transcript record is for a course number that has Course Level (CRS.CL) 23-College Credit Only or 24-Dual College Credit:

  • Dual Enrollment Credit School (College Level Courses). This field is used for courses with a CRS.CL indicating a college level course (23, or 24). The student's current school MUST be populated here in order for these courses to be included in the CALPADS extract process.
  • College Credit Hours - This field is used for courses with a CRS.CL indicating a college level course (23, or 24). For Dual Credit courses (CL=24) it should ONLY be populated if the student earned college credits IN ADDITION to high school credits for this course.


More information regarding College Credit is available at the following link:  College Credit

More Button - Click the More button to display additional data for the transcript record. The Copy Grades to Transcript function automatically populates the information outlined in blue. The information can be manually updated while in Edit mode by entering or updating the data and clicking the Save icon for the transcript record.

Texas specific

  • Att-Based Grade - The Attendance Based Grade Reporting  function automatically populates this field with Y (Yes). This sets the Transcript indicator to '* Credit denied due to excessive absences' to display. This field may also be populated by hand when adding or updating a transcript record. To manually enter a transcript record based on attendance, edit the following fields outlined in yellow on the image above:
    • Comp = 0.00
    • Att-Based Grade = Y (Yes)
    • Pass/Fail Credit Status = 07 or other appropriate pass/fail status code

  • Pass/Fail Credit Status - This field may be populated by hand when adding or updating a transcript record. There is also an option to automatically populate the Pass/Fail Credit Status during several procedures. See Transcript Pass Fail Credit Status.  
  • Course Characteristics - Multiple Characteristics can display for a course on a student's transcript. Course Characteristics are added to courses on the Courses page and are displayed in the Characteristics field on a student's transcript. Course characteristics added directly to a course are linked directly to the course and cannot be deleted from a student's transcript record.
  • Transcript characteristics - Additional Characteristics, Transcript characteristics, can be added to courses listed on a student's transcript record. Transcript Characteristics are displayed in the Characteristics field along with Course Characteristics. Transcript Characteristics are stored in the CHC table and can be deleted if they no longer apply to the student's transcript record. If deleted, the Transcript Characteristic will be tagged as inactive in the CHC table. See the Characteristics section on the Courses - General Information documentation for additional information.
  • Red Flag - can be found in the top right corner of the page.