Printing vs. Re-Calculating the Monthly Attendance Summary
Printing the Monthly Attendance Summary Report
Printing for schools using Independent Study
Computing/Calculating Monthly Attendance Summary Data
Navigate to Reports > Attendance > Monthly Attendance Summary. The Monthly Attendance Summary is also available from the View All Reports page in the Attendance category.
The Monthly Attendance Summary page provides options for printing the Monthly Attendance Summary report and/or for recalculating the attendance totals listed in the report. This attendance data is used for ADA reporting and is the basis for many other attendance reports. Care should be taken with the options on this page, so that the totals are only recalculated when necessary.
The Monthly Attendance Summary report details attendance totals by grade and program. The Monthly Attendance Summary's data is stored in the YTD (Year to Date Attendance) table. The report is available at the school level for an individual school, and at the district level, where multiple schools can be selected.
- (A) Teaching Days - Calculated from the Attendance Calendar (DAY).
- (B) Enrollment Carried Forward - Students enrolled at the end of the preceding month.
- (C) Gains - Students who entered during the current month.
- (D) Total Enrollment - Enrollment carried forward plus gains.
- (E) Losses - Students who left during the current month.
- (F) Ending Enrollment - Total enrollment, minus losses, plus column M, carried forward for the next month.
- (G) Days Not Enrolled - Total days students were not enrolled in this class, grade, program.
- (H) Days Non-Apportionment Attendance - Total number of absences.
- (I) Actual Days (A * D) - Total number of teaching days multiplied by the total enrollment, minus days not enrolled, minus days of non-apportionment attendance, minus days of apportionment absences.
- (J) Total Apportionment Attendance - Total number of teaching days multiplied by the total enrollment, minus days not enrolled, minus days of non-apportionment attendance, plus apportionment staff development days.
- (K) Total ADA (J/A) - Total Average Daily Attendance - Total apportionment attendance divided by total days of enrollment and staff development.
- (L) Percent Attendance J/(A*D)-G -J/(A*D) - G
- (M) Loss at End of Last School Day - Any student who left the district on the last day of the current month.
- (N) (O) (P) Year to Date - Total apportionment, days taught, and total ADA.
Printing vs. Re-Calculating the Monthly Attendance Summary ↑
When the Monthly Attendance Summary is being run the first time for an attendance month, or if a recalculation needs to be completed, see the Computing/Calculating Monthly Attendance Summary Data section below. Alternatively, if the report should be printed, but does not need to be re-calculated, continue to the Printing the Monthly Attendance Summary section.
Printing the Monthly Attendance Summary Report ↑
To re-print a prior (completed) attendance month without re-calculating the totals, select the appropriate month from the Print For Which Month dropdown and make sure that the Recompute YTD Information checkbox is not checked.
Note: If the Recompute YTD Information checkbox is checked, the report will recalculate the data in YTD based on currently existing attendance data.
If your district uses attendance programs (AP1 and AP2), the report will provide totals based on them. If you do not want to group by attendance programs, check the Ignore AP1 and AP2 checkbox.
Printing for schools using Independent Study ↑
Check the Print Legal size for Unv Abs and I.S. checkbox if the report should include columns for Unverified Absences, Incomplete Independent Study, and Complete Independent Study attendance data. In order to add these three columns, the report will be printed in Legal size.
Other Report Options ↑
Above the Run Report button, a blue information box displays which attendance months' data totals have already been created and recorded in YTD.
In the above example, the Monthly Attendance Summary has been run for attendance months 1 and 2, so either of those months can be printed without recalculation/recomputing. Any other attendance month (3, 4, 5, 6, etc.) would need to be recomputed or recalculated before that month's report could be printed.
If YTD records do not exist for a particular month, and that month is selected to print, a popup will display a warning "No information is available to print on your report."
Once options have been selected, press the Run Report button.
Report Delivery Options ↑
NOTE: When created as a PDF, an email containing a link will be sent to the account that ran the report. After logging in, the Monthly Attendance Summary will open as a secure document in Adobe Acrobat. This extra layer of security is intended to prevent the editing of critical PDF documents.
Computing/Calculating Monthly Attendance Summary Data ↑
To calculate Monthly Attendance Summary data, select which month to print from the Print For Which Month dropdown and check the Recompute YTD Information checkbox. A red warning box and an additional checkbox will be displayed.
If Recompute YTD Information is checked and Print for Which Month is set to attendance month 1, then all YTD records will be deleted and YTD data will be recalculated for month 1. Additionally, month 1's report will be printed.
If Recompute YTD Information is checked and Print for Which Month is set to any other attendance month (other than month 1), YTD records will be recomputed only for the selected month. The report will be printed for the selected month.
If Recompute YTD Information is checked and Re-run ALL Months up to the selected month is checked, then all YTD records will be deleted and YTD data will be recomputed for the months before and including the selected month. Reports for months before and including the selected month will be emailed to you. A popup will require confirmation to proceed:
Click OK to continue or Cancel to abandon the process. Once OK is clicked, a yellow information box confirms that all YTD records will be deleted and that the reports will be emailed to you.
Reset Options ↑
If the option to Re-run ALL Months up to the selected month is selected, safeguards have been put in place to prevent the process from being re-started before the previous processing is completed. A red information box will be displayed if the page is refreshed before the process is completed:
The report may be reset by pressing the Reset Report button, but in order to guarantee valid data in the YTD table and on the Monthly Attendance Summary, it should be allowed to finish.
Below is an example of the Monthly Attendance Summary.