For the 2023-24 school year and forward there will be two exclusive methods to upload Test Settings to ETS (TOMS). The first method is the one that has been in place for several years. It entails using the Test Settings page, entering test settings which are saved into the Test Settings (STS) table, creating the State Testing Export files, and manually uploading them into TOMS.

The second method involves using an API to download the test settings for a particular student, review/modify the test settings on the TOMS Test Settings page, and uploading those settings directly to TOMS. The API method is available to both Student Information System vendors and Special Education vendors. Using this method the test settings data will no longer be saved in Aeries for these reasons:

  • Since TOMS can be updated at any time from different data sources (Special Ed vendors, 504 vendors, or updating directly within TOMS) we are considering TOMS to have the most up-to-date information.
  • The test settings data can only be downloaded from TOMS one student at a time so it is highly likely that any test settings data stored in Aeries would be incomplete (i.e., some students would be missing test settings data). The API in TOMS is designed to provide data for one student at a time and does not have a method to mass download test settings data for all students in the district. Although we could build a function that would loop through every student in the database to retrieve the test settings data, if all vendors and all districts did this it would put a strain on the TOMS system. 
  • Using the API, any modifications to test settings needs to be uploaded one student at a time. There is no mass-upload feature. 

The TOMS Test Settings  is a feature that needs to be turned on in the database through an internal Feature Flag. Once it is turned on the TOMS Test Settings page will become available, and the current Test Settings page will be modified to only display the Test Assignment and Condition Codes settings. Procedures for the Test Assignments and Condition Codes will not change for the 2023-24 school year forward and the current Test Settings documentation (beginning below with Test Settings Overview) can be used to learn about them. To learn about the TOMS Test Settings procedures please see the TOMS Test Settings documentation. 

Test Settings Overview (for TOMS Test Settings go to TOMS Test Settings  )

Navigate to Student Data > Test Scores > Test Settings

The Test Settings page will allow schools to enter the embedded and non-embedded test settings (designated supports and accommodations) for the students that need modifications to the CAASPP (Smarter Balanced Online Summative Assessments) and ELPAC assessments. It also allows schools to enter Condition Code records for students that will not take a test because of Parent/Guardian Exemption or Medical Emergency. Schools can also enter records to give special Test Assignments, such as High School Science (CAST) test and the California Spanish Assessment (CSA) test, to certain students or to indicate exemptions for ELPAC domains. Once entered, these test settings are used to create the Student Test Settings (Accommodations) export files, the Student Test Assignment export files, and the Condition Codes export file. 

Test Settings page

NOTE:  During testing we discovered that the Masking [NEDS_Masking] had been placed on the CAASPP tab rather than the ELPAC tab. The 12/17/2020 update moved the Masking [NEDS_Masking] to the ELPAC tab and the (Aeries) STS code was updated to reflect the correct test type. Any students that were already coded with this support prior to the 12/17/2020 update should be reviewed and given the correct ELPAC NEDS_Masking code.

This query can be used to list any records that need to be updated: LIST STS IF CD = NEDS.Mask.1

The records can be fixed by selecting the ELPAC.NEDS.Mask1 STS code for the student in the Test Settings List (all) tab:
ELPAC.NEDS.Mask.1 record in Test Settings List tab

There are two Test Settings screens available in Aeries.

The Active Test Settings tab displays all of the currently active accommodations or supports (those records with a Start Date on or before today and either no End Date, or an End Date greater than today) that are using current accommodation and support codes.  This screen can also be used to add, change or close Test Settings records. It cannot be used to delete a Test Settings record.

Test Settings - Active Test Settings tab

NOTE: The Active Test Settings tab is also available as a tab from the Special Education page and from the More Actions button on the 504 Plans page.

The Test Settings List (all) screen displays all Test Settings records including closed records and the records that are using prior year codes. This screen can be used to add, change, close or delete Test Settings records.

Test Settings - Test Settings List tab

The State Testing Export Files screen allows users to create these export files which can then be imported into TOMS (Test Operations Management System) for both CAASPP and ELPAC. When the TOMS Test Settings feature is turned on, the export options will be limited to the Test Assignment and Condition Codes exports.