After the Calendar has been created and verified, terms need to be added and verified.  To verify the terms, navigate to the Terms form located in the School Info page.

Click the Add New Record button to add the school terms.  Verify that the dates are correctly populated.  If a term date needs to be corrected, click the Pencil Icon to edit the date.  Click the Disk Icon to save changes.

Terms supported by Aeries include: 1,2,3,4 for Quarters, F for Fall, S for Spring and Y for Year long classes.


If Tracks are used at the school, the Terms form will display all the track term date fields if applicable:

First/Second Split Terms in the Master Schedule

The Terms form accommodates First and Second Split Terms for sections. If a section exists in the Master Schedule with a Split Term of First or Second, date fields will display on the Terms form for 1st Half End and 2nd Half Starts.  The date fields should be filled in with the appropriate dates when the Calendar and Terms are created.

Split Terms of First or Second are used to divide a term. For example, a school that uses trimesters might use Firstand Second for each trimester, allowing for 6 terms in the school year. For Split Term First and Second sections, Course Attendance (CAR) Start Date and Stop Date records will be created with the 1st Half End and 2nd Half Starts dates when Course Attendance (CAR) is initialized and also for schedule changes.

Aeries does not support First and Second Split Terms for Track schools.

Changing Term Dates

After Course Attendance has been initialized, Course Attendance (CAR) records exist in CAR. On the Terms form, the following message is displayed:

If a Term Starting Date or Ending Date is changed on the Term form, any existing Course Attendance (CAR)records for sections in that Term will be automatically updated with with the new dates. 

The Calendar and Terms should be created before initializing ATT and CAR. Please see the Initialize ATT/CAR documentation for more information on initializing ATT and CAR.

Note:  Once the Terms are created, they can be pushed to all schools by using the Push and Pull Set Tables page.