The Mass Change All Day Code form will update a student's ALL Day code based on the code entered and a date range.  After attempts to contact parents have failed, this form can be used to mass change unverified absences to unexcused. A date range of no longer than two weeks is recommended.

  • An All Day Code must exist in order to use.
  • Select the code which to base the change on, such as A (absent).
  • Select the code to change to, such as U (unexcused).
  • Select the date range, such as the dates within an attendance month.
  • Select the grade level, if the change applies to a specific grade level.
  • Click the Update List button to preview the selected students.
  • Click the Update ATT button to complete the mass change.

Summary Reports will open: Preview of All Attendance Codes Changes/Details and Preview of Summary of All Day Code Changes (counts)