Absence Codes are used throughout the system for attendance reporting, various extracts and the Attendance History (AHS) table.  It is imperative that the Absence Codes are entered and verified correctly.  The codes are stored in the Absence Code (ABS) table.

The CALPADS Attendance (STAS) extract use the values in the Attendance History (AHS) table to aggregate totals for the various subgroups.

If you are not familiar with Attendance History or have not yet populated the Attendance History table, please review the documentation at  Attendance History

Setting up Absence Codes should occur at the beginning of each school year. Once the school year begins these codes MUST not be changed. The codes are usually set up by an individual from the District Office. If you are setting up these codes, it is recommended you verify with the District ALL required options for each absence code. 

NOTE:  If any changes are made to the Absence Code (ABS) table, then the Update Attendance History function will need to be run to update the Attendance History table.

CALPADS Student Attendance Extract (STAS) File

The Student Absence Summary (STAS) file is a new extract in Aeries Web required for the 2016-2017 End of Year Reporting (EOY) that will enable the calculation of student-level chronic absenteeism rates. The STAS file will extract Attendance Summary information from the Attendance History (AHS) table.  Detailed attendance data will not be sent to CALPADS, only totals for the various aggregates.

CALPADS will expect STAS data for all students in grades K–12, including transitional kindergarten (TK), who have primary or short-term enrollments. However, students enrolled in a Non-Public School (NPS) or students receiving home or hospital instruction are exempt.

Please refer to the CALPADS Attendance (STAS) documentation for more detailed information:

CALPADS Student Absence Summary STAS