The chart below provides a listing of common acronyms and their descriptions.
Acronym or Other Abbreviation | Description |
CAHSEE | California High School Exit Exam |
CALPADS | California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System |
Cal-SAFE | California School-Age Families Education |
CBEDS | California Basic Educational Data System |
CCI | College and Career Indicator (dashboard) |
CDE | California Department of Education |
CDIF | County/District Information Form |
CDS | County-District-School |
CELDT | California English Language Development Test |
CFS | CALPADS File Specifications |
CHSPE | California High School Proficiency Exam |
CIG | Credential Information Guide |
ConApp | Consolidated Application |
CPA | California Partnership Academy |
CRDC | Civil Rights Data Collection |
CSIS | California School Information Services |
CSPP | California State Preschool Program |
CSPR | Consolidated State Performance Report |
CST | California Standards Test |
CTC | Commission on Teacher Credentialing |
CTE | Career Technical Education |
EC | Educational Code |
DASS | Dashboard Alternative School Status (dashboard) |
ED | United States Department of Education |
EDEN | Education Data Exchange Network |
EL | English Learner |
ELA | English Language Arts |
ELD | English Language Development |
EO | English Only |
ELPAC | English Language Proficiency Assessments for California |
ELPI | English Language Performance Indicator (part of the Calif. Dashboard) |
EOY | End of Year |
ESSA | Every School Succeeds Act |
FEP | Fluent-English Proficient |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
FRPM | Free or Reduced-price Meals |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalency |
GATE | Gifted And Talented Education |
GED | General Educational Development |
HOUSSE | High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation |
HQT | Highly Qualified Teacher |
IB | International Baccalaureate |
IEP | Individualized Education Program |
IFEP | Initially Fluent-English Proficient |
LCEN | Language Census |
LCFF | Local Control Funding Formula |
LEP | Limited-English Proficient |
LTEL | Long Term English Learners |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind |
NPS | Non-Public Non-Sectarian School |
NSLP | National School Lunch Program |
ORA | Online Reporting Application |
PAIF | Professional Assignment Information Form |
RFEP | Reclassified Fluent-English Proficient |
SDAIE | Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English |
SEID | Statewide Educator Identifier |
SIF | School Information Form |
SIS | Student Information System |
SNOR | Student National Origin Report |
SSID | Statewide Student Identifier |
TK | Transitional Kindergarten |
UPK | Universal Prekindergarten |
VPSS | Verification Process for Special Settings |
Aeries CALPADS Extract Files | Description |
CRSC | Course Section Completion |
CRSE | Course Section Enrollment |
PSTS | Post-Secondary Status |
SASS | Staff Assignment |
SCSC | Student Course Section Completion |
SCSE | Student Course Section Enrollment |
SCTE | Student Career Technical Education |
SDEM | Staff Demographics |
SDIS | Student Discipline (Retired-replaced by SINC,SIRS,SOFF) |
SELA | Student Language Acquisition |
SENR | Student Enrollment and SSID Request |
SIAD | Student Information Address File for SINF (Retired as of 7/1/21) |
SINF | Student Information |
SPRG | Student Program |
STAS | Student Absence Summary |
SINC | Student Incidents |
SIRS | Student Incident Results |
SOFF | Student Offense |
WBLR | Work-Based Learning |
This chart is also located in CALPADS FAQs.