Attendance History Configuration Page
Determining When the Update Attendance History Process is Running
AHS Recalculations for a Single Student
Attendance History Configuration Page
The Attendance History Configuration page allows you to configure options for Attendance History (AHS table). This page is only accessible by admin type users.
NOTE: In order for the Attendance History Configuration page to properly function, it is necessary to have a Calendar (DAY) table at the District level. The Attendance History Configuration process will run for any school where a student has an Attendance Enrollment Record.
Configuration Options ↑
There are several options on this page.
- Calculate Attendance History Through Current Day? - With the Calculate Attendance History Through Current Day option enabled, attendance history will be calculated through the current day the process is run instead of projecting attendance through the end of the school year, which is what occurs if this option is turned off. Aeries Software HIGHLY recommends enabling this option to make the attendance history data more meaningful and accurate.
When this option is selected, You have the option to select which days of the week this process should run, and time of day. To ensure accurate data, this process should be run daily.
- Include Enrollment Totals in Nightly Attendance History Processing - This option will update the Student Data Enrollment totals during the nightly process. When this option is selected, the STU.DE - Days Enrolled, STU.DP -Days Present and STU.DA - Days Absent totals will be updated nightly.
Calculate Attendance Totals Based on Period Attendance? - This option allows a school or district to calculate attendance totals based on period attendance. More information: EOY 3 STAS - Calculate Attendance Totals Based on Period Attendance.
NOTE: The Calculate Attendance Totals Based on Period Attendance option was added to support changes due to COVID for the 2020/2021 school year. The option is no longer needed. Alternative Education schools will automatically be processed with Period Attendance Totals based on the School Options "Education Type" field set to Alternative Ed (LOC.TY = 1). It is advised to check your setting and verify this option is disabled.
- Process Date Range - A date range option has been added to allow the Attendance History to be calculated for a specific date range. Using a modified date range will impact the CALPADS STAS extract so it is critical to ensure that the appropriate dates are evaluated prior to submitting a STAS extract to CALPADS. After selecting the modified dates, the Update All Schools Now button must be selected in order to initiate the process for calculating the modified dates. This will trigger the process to immediately begin using the specified dates.
- When dates have been modified, a red message will display indicating the AHS and AHD tables have been processed using a specified date range.
- It is not necessary to modify dates in order to immediately start the Update Attendance History config process.
- Leaving the dates as-is will update the AHS table to include the first day of school to the current date.
Update All Schools Now - When using the Update All Schools Now button, this is a long running process. The process must be completed before the CALPADS STAS extract is run, otherwise, the STAS extract could contain inaccurate/incomplete information. This process can take a while to complete depending on the size of the district. Users will receive an email when the process has completed. Emails are only generated when the Update All Schools Now button is used. The page will also display the Started and Completed timestamp of the last time the process was successfully run.
When the Update All Schools Now button is selected, the button will immediately become disabled until the process completes.
A red message will indicate that an email will be received when the process completes.
Date Timestamp for Process Started and Completed - When the process has been started, either using the Update All schools Now button or via the scheduled nightly process, the page will display with a Started time and a Completed Time. These values are stored in the DPT table.
Started: After the process has been started and the page is refreshed or reloaded, the date timestamp will display on the page for the Date and Time the process Started according to the DPT value in UpdateAttendanceHistory_LastRun. If only a Started Time displays without a Completed time, then the process is currently running.
Completed: When the process is fully completed, the date timestamp will display on the page for the Date and Time the process Completed. This timestamp will only display when the page has been reloaded and the Completed timestamp has been populated in DPT - UpdateAttendanceHistory_LastCompleted.
Process Fails: In the event that the process fails to complete, the 'Completed' timestamp will not be logged in DPT. As a result, the page will not display with any Started or Completed date timestamp. If the process was kicked off using the Update All Schools Now button, an email will be sent indicating the reason the process failed.
NOTE: Users should avoid creating CALPADS STAS extract files until the Attendance History Configuration process is no longer running. See EOY 3 CALPADS STAS File - Attendance History.
Determining When the Update Attendance History Process is Running ↑
When a user opens the Attendance History Configuration page and the Update All Schools Now button is greyed out and disabled, this indicates that the process is currently running. The message banner will display on the screen indicating the date and time the process last Started.
When the Update Attendance History process fully completes, the Completed date and time will also display indicating the process is no longer running. It will be necessary to reload the page in order to see the status change from Started to Completed.
NOTE: If the Attendance History Configuration page is stuck on "Processing", clearing out the DPT values for these records may be necessary in order to clear the error so that the process can be restarted. The following queries can be run but should be used with caution:
- CHANGE DPT CD TO " " IF NM = "UpdateAttendanceHistory_LastRunGuid"
- CHANGE DPT CD TO " " IF NM = "UpdateAttendanceHistory_LastRun"
- CHANGE DPT CD TO " " IF NM = "UpdateAttendanceHistory_LastCompleted"
If clearing these fields does not allow the Attendance History Configuration to reprocess successfully, refer to the guidance on the 'Troubleshooting Attendance History" document.
AHS Recalculations for a Single Student ↑
There are several places within the system that will trigger the AHS record to get updated for a single student automatically instead of schoolwide as described on the Attendance History Configuration page above. These processes described below will trigger the AHS data to be created or recalculated for a single student automatically. During this update process, the AHS record for the student will get deleted, and a new one will get created. If no AHS record exists, one will be created.
For example:
- Updating a student's attendance record from the Student Attendance page.
- Submitting attendance for a student from the Classroom Attendance page by an administrator or user
- Submitting attendance for a student from the Attendance page when logged as a teacher or teacher emulation
- Creating Attendance Enrollment records: i.e. Activating a new student, inactivating a student, program changes.
NOTE: Changing attendance data throughout the day can impact the results of the data extracted in the STAS extract file. It is important for the LEA to determine the best time to create the STAS extract file to ensure that AHS records have been processed completely. The most accurate time to run a STAS extract is either at the beginning of the day, after the Update Attendance History nightly process has completed or at the end of the day to account for any attendance changes, newly assigned SSIDs, new school enrollments, program changes, etc. Following this process helps maintain the utmost accuracy in attendance data being submitted to CALPADS in the STAS extract file. For more information related to STAS, see Student Absence Summary (STAS) Extract.