Attendance History will allow districts to analyze longitudinal attendance data. Attendance data entered via Aeries will be stored in the Attendance History tables that will roll from year to year.

The Student Absence Summary (STAS) file is a new extract in Aeries Web required for the 2016-2017 End of Year Reporting (EOY) that will enable the calculation of student-level chronic absenteeism rates.  The STAS file will extract attendance summary information from the Attendance History (AHS) table.

Please refer to the following link for more information the Student Absence Summary (STAS) file.

EOY 3 CALPADS STAS File - General Information

Attendance counts will calculate through the current day, or through the end of the school year depending on which option is selected in the Attendance History Configuration. See that section later in this document for detailed information on setting it up.

The Attendance History Summary tab displays student totals for enrollment, present, absent (both excused and unexcused), tardy, truant and suspension counts by year. All counts are based on the All Day code except for the Truancy count. The Truancy count will also include any days with one or more period truancies. Please refer to the Setup Absence Codes documentation for more information on how Absence Codes should be set up for accurate attendance (including truancy) reporting.

There is an option to display the Attendance History in a Card-Style view, which can be selected from the drop-down menu:

A red asterisk will display in the Grade field when the student's Enrollment History Program (ENR.PR) field does not match the Attendance History Program (AHS.SP) field.   

When the mouse is hovered over the asterisk, the following message displays:  

Verify that the Fix ENR function has been run to update the Enrollment (ENR) table based on the current Attendance (ATT).  

The following is an example of the Attendance History Details tab for a student in a secondary school. This tab displays attendance history of the student’s attendance counts by Year, code, and period. A scroll bar is available on the right side of the form.

An Attendance History Codes tab is available to display the absence codes descriptions for each school. All schools or the selected school’s codes will display by using the School dropdown on the form. The absence Codes are grouped by School Year and sorted by Code.