Navigate to Student Data > Guidance > Retentions

The Retentions and Special Promotions page provides a way to track the steps taken when retaining a student. Set up codes for the drop-down boxes for the Code and Tag fields to standardize the data entry for your school/district. This can be done using the Update Code Table page. See Update Code Table.

The Retention Date (RET.DT) should be the date when the decision was made to promote or retain the student. 

The Academic Year (RET.AY) is the school year when the decision was made to promote or retain the student.

Populate the Retention Code (RET.CD) with the appropriate value. 

Populate the Next Grade (RET.GR) with the the grade level the student will be promoted to or retained in.

A report of your student's retention history can be printed by clicking on the Print icon at the top of the page or the Print button.  Query reports can also be generated to more easily monitor the steps taken when retaining a student.

