CALPADS requires that a student exit reason be stated for students who are considered withdrawn. These codes are specifically identified within the CALPADS File Specifications Code Sets. Additional information regarding student withdrawal management is located on the CALPADS Student Withdrawal Data Population Chart article.
Withdrawing a Student
If an enrolled student leaves during the school year, the student is tagged with the appropriate local drop Status Tag (STU.TG) on the Demographics > Student Data 1 Tab. Additionally, the student is coded with an appropriate Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS) on Attendance Enrollment. See the No Shows and Summer Withdrawals article for identifying students who leave prior to the first day of school (summer withdrawal).
From the Demographics > Student Data 1 Tab click the mouse on the Change button.
Select Inactive from the dropdown in the Status Tag (STU.TG) field.
After selecting Inactive, a box with Inactivation Options will pop up; manage selections then Click OK.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
A warning displays indicating Inactive student still enrolled in attendance. Click the Update Attendance button to update Attendance Enrollment with an Attendance Reason (ATT.RS) to complete the process and for CALPADS reporting. When a student has a Status Tag (STU.TG), the designated Status Code Color will display on the Demographics page. In the example below, a yellow Status Code Color identifes that student has an Inactive status.
Select the last day that the student attended school from the Leave Date (ATT.DY). From the Attendance Reason (ATT.RS) dropdown, select the appropriate code. Click the OK button. By keeping the Update Student Leave Date? checked, the Leave Date (STU.LD) on the Demographics page will be updated to match the Leave Date (ATT.DY) in Attendance Enrollment.
NOTE: Aeries does count the withdrawal date as the last day eligible for funding. If the student withdraws before the official attendance time on a specific day then the withdrawal date would be the day before. If after the official attendance time then it would be the same day.
If a student has attendance entered beyond the leave date, the following popup will display. Click the OK button to remove any attendance entries that occurred after the leave date.
After the student is withdrawn, a Student Withdrawal Form can be printed for the student check-out process. The Student Data Reports article demonstrates the report options and process.
If the withdrawal process is not completed properly, the student screen will display various warnings. In the example below, the Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS) is missing in Attendance Enrollment.
The Attendance Audit Listing Report includes students with mismatch issues when comparing the enrollment status on the Demographics page vs the Attendance Enrollment page. In addition, the Attendance Audit Listing Report displays students with a missing Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS). To validate withdrawn students, run the following reports:
- School Level Data personnel: Attendance Audit Listing
- District Level Data personnel: Attendance Audit Listing and the Enrollment Audit Listing
Updating CALPADS Student Attendance Reason Codes
When an Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS) has been updated/corrected, ensure that the reason code is updated in all fields that pertain to enrollment status (see the list below). For example, If a student has an Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS) of 400 - Other or Unknown or 140 - Truant - Next school unknown and a request for records or other information that verifies the actual enrollment status of the withdrawn student is received, update the student's Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS) in either the previous year data and/or current year data. The newly determined Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS) should be corrected wherever the old data exists and updated in CALPADS.
Aeries fields that contain enrollment status data:
- Attendance Reason (ATT.RS) field (enrollment area of attendance screen)
- End of Year Status (STU.EOY) and End of Year Next School (STU.ENS) fields
- Completion Status (STU.HSG) and (STU.DG) fields
- Summer Withdrawal Reason (STU.SWR), Leave Date (STU.SLD) and Next School (STU.SNS)
School Year Withdrawals
Verify that the CALPADS Code Translations for Attendance Reason Code (ATT.RS) is correctly mapped. Refer to the CALPADS Extracts - Code Translations Tab article for more information. Additional information regarding student withdrawal management is located on the CALPADS Student Withdrawal Data Population Chart article.