
The ability to transfer sections/students and gradebooks from one teacher to another is available to Admins and Users with the appropriate permissions.

In a school with a Master Schedule, users will need Read and Insert permissions to both the Master Schedule (MST) and Teacher Data (TCH) security areas in order to be able to transfer sections and gradebooks. In a school with no Master Schedule users will only need Read and Insert permissions to Teacher Data (TCH).

NOTE: When a Gradebook is transferred from one teacher to another, the gradebook will no longer be available to the old teacher, it will only be available to the new teacher. Due to this it is recommended the transfer does not occur for a future Course Attendance Date if the original teacher will still need to access it. 

The transfer section and gradebook feature is on the Teacher Data page which can be found on the navigation tree under School Info | Teachers. On the Teacher Data page there are transfer options. The options are different for schools with a Master Schedule and schools with no Master Schedule.


Schools with Master Schedule

The transfer section and gradebook feature is on the Teacher Data page which can be found on the navigation tree under School Info | Teachers.


Option 1 Transfer All Sections and Gradebooks to New Teacher – This option will transfer ALL of the selected teacher’s sections and gradebooks to the new teacher.

Option 2 Transfer Tagged Sections and Gradebooks Only – This option will only transfer the sections and gradebooks that are checked off for the selected teacher to the new teacher.

In schools with a Master Schedule, the Teacher data page will display a Transfer and Incl Grdbk column on the MST Classes tab of the Teacher Data page.


The checkboxes under the Transfer and Incl Grdbk columns can be used to select individual sections and gradebooks to transfer. The Incl Grdbk column will only display a checkbox if a gradebook exists for that section.

To transfer the sections and gradebooks from one teacher to another, make selections under the Transfer and Incl Grdbk columns. If multiple sections from the same teacher are associated with the same gradebook, all sections should be transferred at the same time.

In the Transfer Sections to another Teacher box, select the new teacher to transfer to. Select a valid Course Attendance Effective Date for the transfer. Choose Option 1 or 2.

If students are permanently locked in a section that has been selected to transfer those locked students will not be moved. A message will display indicating which students are locked with section number | student number information.

A progress bar will display while the transfer is in process.

When the transfer is complete a message will display.



Schools with No Master Schedule


The transfer section and gradebook feature is on the Teacher Data page which can be found on the navigation tree under School Info | Teachers.


Option 4 Move All Students/Gradebooks to Another Teacher – this option will transfer ALL of the current teacher’s students and gradebooks to the new teacher. When selecting this option, the process will also update the student’s attendance records with the new teacher number and will record the attendance program change enter and leave date and reason.



In schools with no Master Schedule to move a teacher’s students and gradebooks select the new teacher to move to in the Move Students area and then select option 4.

A message will display to confirm the move to the new teacher. A message will also display asking to update the student’s attendance record with the new teacher number. An additional message will display requesting information about the enter and leave date for the move as well as a program change reason.

A confirmation message will display when the move has been completed.