Once a records request has been sent TO your district, a user with appropriate permissions can view and manage all incoming records requests. This requires Update permission to the Incoming Record Requests (RTR) security area and Read permission to the Student Data (STU) security area. Select Records Transfer | Incoming Requests from the navigation menu.

The Inbound Records Transfer Requests page has five filter views at the top for viewing the incoming records requests.

Pending – Displays requests that have been received from other districts but have no action taken yet by your district. When a request is first created, the status is Pending.

Sent – Displays requests for which records have been sent by your district to the requesting district

Complete – Displays requests which the requesting district has marked as complete (i.e., the other district has finished importing records into their Aeries database)

Failed Requests – Displays requests that encountered an error sometime after being created. This is most often the result of an improper configuration. Possible causes include an Aeries web instance not running over HTTPS, an incorrectly registered Aeries URL, or an incorrect District Authorization Code.

Rejected – Displays requests that were rejected by your district. For instance, your district may not have found the student in your Aeries database.

Certain information will display for each request in the selected view.

Student – The student name, state ID number, and birth date per the district that sent the request

Requested – The date and time the request was submitted

Status – The status of the request and the date and time the status was last updated

District – The district from which the request was sent

School – The school from which the request was sent

City – The city where the school is located

School Contact – The contact information for the designated person at the school from which the request was sent. Click the contact name to open your email client to send an email to the contact.

Find Student

On the Pending view, each request has a Find Matches button to the left. Click this button to search for the student in your Aeries database.

The following form will display, listing possible student matches with the best match candidates at the top of the list. The fields that match between your Aeries data and the requesting district’s Aeries data will show with a green underline. Click anywhere on a row to select that student record.

If there are many possible matches, the list will be paginated, and page navigation will be at the bottom of the list.

If none of the possible matches are correct, click the Student Not Found button below the list.

When the button is clicked, the following confirmation message will display. Click OK to mark the records request as Rejected. This will also send a notification to the requesting district. Click Cancel to return to the list of possible matches.

Release Records

After a matching record is selected, the following form will display, listing tables with records available to be sent to the requesting district. Note that some tables, such as Immunizations, may be disabled even though they have records. This indicates a future enhancement.


Check the box next to each table whose records you wish to send to the requesting district. Then, click the Confirm and Send button. This will send the selected data to the requesting district for their review. The request status will be changed to Sent for your district and Data Received for the requesting district. For the incoming request, this is the final step.


Special Permission – Release Records from All Schools

If a user does not have permission to login to all Aeries schools in the district, that user can still be given the ability to release records from all schools in the district via the Records Transfer process. On the Permissions form, under the Records Transfer heading, there is a security area named Release Records from All Schools. If a user has Read permission to this security area, the user will be able to handle requests even if the matched student record does not belong to any of the schools the user can normally access.