NOTE: The 2017-18 school year is the last year for the CELDT Initial Assessment. Beginning in the 2018-19 school year the ELPAC will be used for the Initial Assessment as well as the Summative Assessment. For the Summative ELPAC, LEAs have the option of ordering Pre-ID labels through TOMS for all students identified as English learners. Please refer to the ELPAC site for more information. Summative ELPAC Test Administration

Due to changes requested by the state, the CELDT Pre-Identification Form is updated every year.  At the top of the form the naming convention will contain the year and version of the CELDT Layout used to update the Pre-ID form.

For example, the form below has been updated to 2017-18 Layout Version 1.0 – March 1, 2017 / RETEST Version 1.0 - June 29, 2017.

The Create RETEST Pre-ID checkbox has been added to the top of the form. This option should be selected when a CELDT Pre-ID extract needs to be created for EL students that are being considered for reclassification and the districts wish to use the existing CELDT test as a criterion for reclassification. A KEEP query must be run to select the students that will be included in the CELDT Retest Pre-ID file. When this option is selected, the pre-id extract will be created using the RETEST file format. 

NOTE: The CELDT RETEST Pre-Identification file should only include existing EL students that are being considered for reclassification. It should not include the students that will receive a CELDT Initial Assessment.

Several tabs are available on the CELDT Pre-Identification Form:

  • Cross-Reference (XRF) tab - used to update the file with additional data.
  • Schools tab - available when logged in Aeries Client at the District level to select specific schools to be loaded into the file.
  • Load Records tab - used to select and load specific data into the file.
  • Basic Student Info tab - displays data loaded for each student.
  • Reports tab - contains various reports to assist with verifying data.
  • Create File tab - allows you to select the path where the file is stored and the file name.

Cross Reference (XRF)

Many demographic and program fields were removed from the file layout for the 2014-2015 school year.  The English Learner Services, Program and Disability information is no longer reported in the CELDT Pre-Identification file, instead the state will obtain this information from CALPADS. If any of these tables are listed in the Cross-Reference (XRF) table, they should be removed before loading the student information into the PCT table.

On the Cross-Reference (XRF) tab select the cross reference record by clicking the mouse to the left of the record. A triangle will appear indicating which record has been selected. Then click on the Delete button.

When all LAC, PGM and CSE records have been deleted click the mouse on the Update/Replace XRF button.

A dialogue box will appear indicating that the PCT table will be updated in the Cross-Reference. Select OK.

A second dialogue box will appear asking if you wish to REPLACE the values in the PCT table. Select Yes.

By default the only record that will remain in the Cross-Reference (XRF) table for the CELDT Pre-ID (PCT) is the Local Use cross reference.


The Schools tab is available when logged into District Aeries Client. Click on the school numbers or names to select or de-select schools that will be included in the extract.

Load Records

A Query KEEP is recommended before loading the Initial Assessment students for the CELDT Pre-ID.  Run the following statement “KEEP STU IF LF = X”, where X = selected LF code to limit the students that will be included in the CELDT Pre-ID extract to only English Learner students.

A Query KEEP is required before loading the existing EL students for the CELDT RETEST Pre-ID. 

Enter the CELDT Test Date. If the month of the CELDT Test Date is “07” or “08” the prompt Do you want to create the Pre-ID with the student’s Current Grade + 1 will appear after the Load Students button is clicked. This is done so that the Pre-ID can be run in the current year database (prior to rollover) before the students’ grades have been advanced in the new school year. When this option is selected a red message will display on the form indicating that the Pre-ID (PCT) table has been created with the students’ current grade + 1.

The Grade Range to create Pre-ID records has been increased to include PreSchool and Traditional Kindergarten students. Per CELDT, the Transitional Kindergarten students whose primary language is other than English as determined by a home language survey must be administered the CELDT and will take the kindergarten test.

To include the Transitional Kindergarten students in the file select the TK grade level.

A message will display indicating that the Transitional Kindergarten students’ grade level will be “00” in the extract.

Selecting the Skip Students with STU.HL = ‘00’ option will skip any students with a ‘00’ (English) value in the STU.HL (Reporting Language) field.

Once all selections have been made click on the Load Students button. A summary at the bottom of the screen displays the options that were selected and the number of records that were added.

NOTE: Only Initial Assessment students (those students with no previous CELDT records in the TST (Testing) table) will be included in the CELDT Pre-ID extract. The CELDT RETEST Pre-ID, however, has no validation against the TST (Testing) table and could include students with no previous CELDT test records. Therefore, it is very important to run a KEEP query to only include the existing EL students that are being considered for reclassification prior to loading the students for the CELDT RETEST Pre-ID. 

Basic Student Info

The Basic Student Info tab displays data for each student that was loaded into the PCT table. If any changes are made to the information in this tab, they will only be saved in the temporary PCT table. Changes are not saved to the STU (Student Data) table.


Once the data has been loaded into the Pre-ID table you MUST verify ALL data is correct.  First visually review the data. Reports are available to assist you with verifying data.  Queries can also be generated to inspect the integrity and values of the fields. 

Create File

When you are comfortable with the integrity of this data, from the Create File tab select the Create File button and choose where to store the file.  It is recommended you place it in a file on your hard drive.


NOTE:  The Pre-id files for the Initial Assessment students and the Retest students are different and must be created in separate runs.