The CELDT Pre–Identification Form allows the creation of a PCT table in District or School Aeries Client Version to store data used to create the CELDT file for the state. The state uses this file to store test scores for each student who has taken the test. A CELDT test results file is then sent back to the District and CELDT test scores can be loaded into the Aeries database.
It is extremely crucial that any new revisions made to Aeries are updated prior to creating the PCT table.
The CELDT Pre-Identification Form will load as much of the student data available from various tables in Aeries as possible. If a school does not use one of the specified fields in Aeries to store data, the XRF can be used to load or convert data from selected fields prior to creating the PCT table. After the table is loaded ALL data MUST be verified and updated by the District.
The PCT table can be created either in the District database or in each school database and then uploaded to the District database.
The CELDT Pre-ID form has been updated according to the state CELDT Pre-ID Layout 2017-2018, Version 1.0, March 1, 2017. We recommend that districts obtain a copy and review the most recent Pre-ID record layout from the testing vendor prior to creating the Pre-ID file so that they are aware of the current requirements.
Changes to the 2017-18 CELDT Pre-ID Layout include the removal of the Most Recent Previous Test data. Per the CELDT Pre-ID Layout, only Initial Assessment students may be administered the CELDT during the 2017-18 testing administration. The CDE, however, is allowing optional retesting of CELDT for reclassification purposes. A Create RETEST Pre-ID option has been added to the CELDT Pre-Identification Form which will create a Pre-ID extract for these students using the RETEST CELDT Pre-ID Layout, Version 1.0 June 29, 2017.
NOTE: A Query KEEP is recommended before loading the CELDT Pre-ID. Run the following statement “KEEP STU IF LF = X”, where X = selected LF code.
NOTE: The Grade-Range fields now include Transitional Kindergarten and Preschool grade levels. The grade level for the Transitional Kindergarten students will translate to "00" in the extract per CELDT guidelines.
IMPORTANT: It is the District’s responsibility to verify that ALL data is correct prior to creating the CELDT file and uploading the file to the testing vendor. Changes can be made to massage the data in the PCT table by using the XRF or Query prior to uploading the file.