In a secondary school, the Supplemental Attendance Session Data (ATS) form has options for Grade Reporting.

The Create in Grade Rptg option will allow the session to be included in the Initialize New Grade Reporting Cycle process. Check the box to use this feature.

The Grd Rptg Course field will display a drop-down from the Courses table. Select or type the appropriate Course ID.

The Grd Rptg Teacher field will display a drop-down from the Teachers table. Select or type the appropriate Teacher Number.

When the Grade Reporting process of Initialize New Grade Reporting Cycle is run, the students in the session tagged with Yes in the Create in Grade Rptg field will be included in the GRD table as period 10 or Period 0 for schools using Flex Scheduling. It will include students with Supplemental Attendance data within the grade reporting date-range and automatically calculate Grade Reporting Days Enrolled, Days Present, and Days Absent based on data in the Supplemental Attendance tables.

If the Grade Reporting Option Enable Hours on Grades/Transcript is turned on, then Grade Reporting Hours (GRD.HR) will automatically be calculated based on data in the Supplemental Attendance Data (ATD) table. This will affect GRD records that are associated with Supplemental Attendance sessions via either the Linked MST Section field or the Create in Grade Rptg field.