Ethnicity or Race Intentionally Left Blank 

All students and Staff should be surveyed to collect the Ethnicity and Race for the individuals. When the information is not obtained, the Ethnicity and/or Race 1 field can be left blank. However, the Missing Ethnicity and/or Missing Race indicator must be populated and submitted to CALPADS instead. 

Aeries recommends creating codes in the Code Table for students where a race or ethnicity code is missing. This will eliminate having blank fields and assure that all data has been correctly entered for a student or staff.

The code identified as 'Intentionally Left Blank' should be the same code used for both the Students and the Staff.

CALPADS - Other Options  

To extract the missing race indicator or missing ethnicity indicator, select the code name in the dropdown under Race Intentionally Left Blank code. The code for this selection must match the code in the Race or Ethnicity fields for Students or Staff.

CALPADS Extracts  

For Staff, the SDEM extract will set the missing race indicator or missing ethnicity indicator with a Y if the Staff was assigned the selected value in either the STF.ETH or STF.RC1 fields.

For Students, the SINF extract will set the missing race indicator or missing ethnicity indicator with a Y if the Student was assigned the selected value in either the STU.ETH or STU.RC1 fields.

Define Required Fields  

If a district wants to insure that the student's Ethnicity and Race fields are always entered upon enrollment, the Define Required Fields form can be set to require an entry for Ethnicity (STU.ETH) or Race (STU.RC1) fields for Students on Demographics page.  If the Ethnicity or Race 1 fields are not populated, the enrollment record will not be saved when the SAVE button is selected.

Navigate to School Info > Configurations > Define Required Fields. Select the Student Demographics table and add a 'required' checkbox next to the EthCd and Race1 field codes to enable this setting.