When creating the CERS Profile the Department and/or Subject Area are Not Displaying All Courses 


The missing Courses do not have the appropriate Department Code and/or Subject Area

  • If creating the CERS Profiles at the District Level, these codes must exist at the District Level and be the same for all schools being included in the Profile
  • The codes must be valid and exist in the Update Code Table or Graduation Requirements pages


  1. Ensure the Department Codes and Subject Area are correctly set for the courses
  2. Ensure the codes exist in the Update Code Table for Department Code (CRS.CD) and in the  Graduation Requirements for the Subject Area (CRS.S1)
  3. Verify the Department Code and Subject Areas exist at the appropriate District and/or School Level


  1. Verify and update the Department Code and Subject Areas at both the District and School Levels
  2. Ensure the courses are appropriately tagged with these attributes
  3. Confirm the codes exist in the relevant tables and requirements