What are the different Attendance Count Type Options for Attendance Letters?
Note: This applies to Site Based and District Attendance Letters
- Use All-Day Attendance Codes Instead of Periods – Only All-Day absences will be counted.
- Count Individual Period Attendance Codes for Totals – Will calculate the number of absences by individual periods only.
- Example: If the minimum threshold for receiving the letter is 3, the student would need to have 3 of the Period Attendance Codes in ONE period to receive the letter.
- Combine All Period Attendance Codes for Totals – Will combine the number of absences for all periods.
- Example: If the minimum threshold for receiving the letter is 3, the student would receive the letter if they had a TOTAL of 3 Period Absence Codes in any period combined.
- Use All-Day AND Period Attendance Codes for Totals – Will combine the number of period absences with the number of All-Day absences.
- Uses both All-Day and Period Absence Codes for determining the number of absences.
- When using this option, you have the choice to use:
- Require Period Codes to Occur on Different Dates – Will require the period absences to occur on different dates in order to be counted.
- Example: If a student has an All-Day Code, the period absences for that date will not be included in the calculation.
- Count Class Attendance Codes Instead of Periods – Will split A/B Days and M-W-F/T-T classes in order to calculate correctly.
- Update Letter Log After Printing Letters – An entry will be added to the Letter Log for each letter printed.
- For Site Based Letters only, Update Student Letter Tag After Printing – Will update the STU.LT or STU.L2 fields for Letter IDs of Absent or Tardy only