Should attendance be taken for a Section with a Non-Conflict Flex Period?
No, this is not a best practice.
- When a student has a Section with a regular Flex Period and a Section with a Non-Conflict Flex Period at the same or overlapping time, requiring both teachers to take attendance can pose a problem, especially if the student is not required to always attend the Non-Conflict Flex Period Section.
- Example: Student has a weekly RSP check in, and the RSP Section is associated to a Non-Conflict Flex Period because they can choose to go any time during the week. This RSP teacher should not be required to take attendance as the student is going to only leave the Section they are normally in one time per week for a check in. Leaving it open as to who is going to take attendance on that one day the student checks in with the RSP teacher could lead to confusion and/or incorrect attendance.