This article goes over important things to remember when setting up SBG Progress Report Cards

  • Standards Based Progress Reports can be created for each grade level; one per grade level
  • To designate a Report Card Type as a Progress report card, the Code (COD) Table Amount value for the STU.RC code record needs to be set to 3
    • Only one code value should be designated as a Progress report card type.

  • The Report Card Type field in Standards Based Setup (SBE.RC) is used to identify which report card layouts are progress reports.
  •  If Standards Based Progress reports are available in the Standards Based Setup (SBE), every student will receive their grade level Progress Report when Progress grades are initialized. 
  • Progress Reports are automatically applied to students in every grade level that has a progress report card in the Standards Based Setup (SBE). On the Standards Based Input page do not assign Progress Report Card Types to students.