Teachers do not have the Attendance page listed in their Navigation Menu


Portal Groups > Teachers - the teachers do not have correct permissions to the Student Attendance (ATT) table.


For each school, go to the Portal Groups page, and allow the Teacher Portal Group Read and Update access to the Student Attendance (ATT) table.  

If there are common types of schools, the user can check one school type (Elementary, Secondary), fix the one school, and then use the Push Permissions to Other Schools button to push the permissions to other common types of schools. Use caution when choosing the schools. Push Permissions to Other Schools should only be used to copy to schools that have the same school type. As an example, an Elementary using SBG would not need access to GRD, and a Secondary using GRD would not need access to SBG. When using this function, it will overwrite the current permissions at the schools being "pushed to" with the permissions from the school being "pushed from".