BETA: These extracts are still a work in progress, and are being provided to allow LEAs to at least start making these monthly submissions. Please verify and edit these extracts inside the CAPSDAC system to make sure they fully reflect the activities at your schools for the reporting month. We will be continuing to add tables/fields as needed to fully comply with the evolving requirements from CAPSDAC.
Recently, a new reporting system for families and children that received Early Learning and Care Division subsidized services has been adopted by the CDE,, the California Preschool Data Collection (CAPSDAC) system. It was designed to comply with the new requirements of Education Code (EC) Section 60910, mandating the collection of student, family and educator information, similar to those collected for students in TK-12 via CALPADS, for all students enrolled in California State Preschool Programs (CSPP).
CAPSDAC Extract process was added to Aeries and can be found under the Imports and Exports note of the School Info tree. It is designed to allow LEAs to create the three monthly comma-delimited text files that meet the specifications of the file format as defined by the California Department of Education's Early Childhood Development Division. The CAPSDAC File Format Specifications can be found at the following website.
Child ID Errors ↑
Error Message: (Child Extract)
This Child ID ("123456") is already in use under this PreschoolCDSCode.
Resolution Steps:
This issue is caused by the student having more than one active Early Childhood Development (ECD) program records. Resolve this error by ending the oldest ECD record for that student.
Format Errors ↑
Error Message:
Child Extract: FulltimeEnrollment has an unknown Classroomld (",")
Resolution Steps:
This is an unfortunate issue that is occurring for students who have more than 1 classroom assigned during the reporting month. We are working on resolving this issue as soon as possible. The current workaround is to edit the Child Extract to remove the duplicate values.
Race Code Errors ↑
Error Message: (Child & Staff Extracts)
Duplicate Race Codes
Resolution Steps:
This error is occurring because CAPSDAC does not use the same Race Codes as CALPADS. We are taking the Race Codes and translating them to the main categories for CAPSDAC, however if the record contains multiple records in the same category (201-299 or 301-399) then they are currently being listed twice. We are working on resolving this issue as soon as possible. The current workaround is to edit the Child Extract to remove the duplicate values.
Head-of-Household Errors ↑
Error Message: (Child Extract)
Family Size cannot be less than 3 if there is a 2nd Head-of-Household
Resolution Steps:
This issue can be caused if a student has no ParentGuardian1 (PG1) record identified in their Contacts table records. This causes the Head of Household1 fields to be extracted as NULL or blank. If the student has multiple ParentGuardian2 (PG2) records, change the PG2 contact the student lives with to PG1. This will resolve the issue.
Error Message: (Child Extract)
1st Head-of-Households Last Name must be between 1 and 100 characters.
1st Head-of-Household s First Name must be between 1 and 100 characters.
Resolution Steps:
These issues are an off-shoot of the prior error. Resolving the PG1 issue for the student will also resolve this error.
Error Message: (Child Extract)
1st Head-of-Households Highest Education value is required and must be a valid Education Code.
Resolution Steps:
This issue is an off-shoot of the prior error. Resolving the PG1 issue for the student will also resolve this error.
Resources ↑
- CAPSDAC Extracts Configuration
- CAPSDAC Cross Reference by Extract
- CDE: CAPSDAC User Manual - See Appendix F: Error Messages