The following Grade Reporting tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

Grade Reporting

Transcript Setup

Report Card Setup

Gradebook Setup

Grade Reporting

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

(District) Enable use of custom district GPAs if using.

Feature Flag

GPA Configurations Page

(District) Enable use of custom marks for teacher gradebooks if using.

Feature Flag

Gradebook Custom Marks

Set security permissions for users.



Grade Reporting Security

Standards Based Grade Tables and Security

Security for Secondary Standards Based Grades

Load State Learning Standards Tables and Security

(Flex) Flex Scheduling Grade Reporting

(District) Specify district options for grade reporting:

  • Grade Reporting Type- Indicate the grade reporting types offered in the district: 
    • Elementary Standards Based
    • Secondary Standards-based
  • Other Settings - Hide Grade Reporting GPAs - Indicate if GPAs, credits, and class rank will be displayed for teachers, parents/students, users, and administrators on the Grades page and Student Grades Report.
  • Other Settings - Do Not Recompute GPAs and Ranks Automatically - Indicate if GPAs and class rank are recomputed automatically when data changes ( option).
  • Enable the enhanced optimization logic for calculating graduation status if using.

School Info > School Options (district)

School Options Setup

Graduation Requirements

Secondary Standards Based Grade Reporting Overview

GPA's, Credits and Class Rank Overview and Fields

(District) Upload the district logo that will print on transcripts.

School Info > School Options (district) (Logo button)

School Options Setup

(District) Configure district options for grade reporting.

  • Allow Transition Grade Reporting Mark Points - Indicate if students are allowed to transition in or out of certain mark weights.
  • Grade Reporting Settings - Allow the use of numeric marks - Disabling this setting will disable the use of numeric marks at ALL schools in the district.
  • Grade Reporting Settings - Average final marks of like courses within the same school year on the transcript
  • District Settings . Use New Career Pathways (CPW) tables instead of old "CTE Pathways (Perkins)" (CTE) table.

School Info > Configurations > District Settings

Grade Reporting - Valid Marks

District Settings (District Rules)

Update Course History Institutions with any schools or institutions that will need to be displayed on student transcripts, including schools where transfer courses were taken.

School Info > Configurations > Course History Institutions

Course History Institutions

(District) Verify the accuracy of all data in the course table.

  • Indicate any courses that meet the Algebra I requirement.
  • Ensure correct information will print on report cards, such as Title.
  • Tag academic courses for GPA calculation. 
  • Translate course titles to other languages on the Correspondence Language tab.

Scheduling Process > Courses

Graduation Requirements (Course Table Accuracy section)

Courses - General Information

Creating Transcripts for Transfer Students

Grade Reporting - Supporting Tables

(District) Configure custom district GPAs if using.

  • Inactivate any built-in GPAs that are not needed.
  • Create & configure custom district GPAs.
  • Assign district-defined GPAs to specific schools or cohorts (Schools and Cohorts heading).

Otherwise Aeries built-in GPAs are used.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > GPA Configurations

GPA Configurations Page

(District) Set up indicators/special explanation codes.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Transcript Indicator Definitions

Transcript Indicator Definitions

Specify grade reporting options for each school.

  • Tracks - Verify the number is correct.
  • Grade Reporting Type Indicate the type(s) that will be offered at the school:
    • Elementary Standards-Based Grade Reporting
    • Secondary Standards-Based Grade Reporting and corresponding grade range
  • Allow Issue Credit on Classes/Course Attendance pages - Indicate if the school will allow issuing grades and partial credits to students.
  • Use Grading Periods Instead of Terms in Gradebook - Indicate whether a term will be divided into grading periods, or if the average will be calculated for the entire term (i.e., semester).
  • Schedule Basis - Indicate whether the school uses semesters or trimesters.

School Info > School Options

School Options Setup

Copying Grades and Credits to Transcripts for Individual Students

Gradebook Grading Periods

Using Both Standards Based Grades and Grade Reporting in a School

Grading Snapshots - Overview and Configuration

Grade Reporting - Supporting Tables

Grades/Transcripts in Alt Ed

Specify grade reporting settings for each school:

  • Specify the default number of credits earned in one year for a single course, used to translate the Credits Earned into the Carnegie Units Earned for State Reporting. 
  • Course Credit Type

School Info > School Information

School Information

EOY 1 Course and Staff Files - CRSC , SCSC and SDEM 

CALPADS Cross Reference by Extract 

CALPADS common errors:

SCSC0513 - Carnegie Units Earned cannot be greater than 1 

SCSC0230 - Duplicate SSIDs cannot be submitted for the same Course Section    

Configure grade reporting settings for each school.

  • Display on Forms - Algebra 1 Requirement - Indicate if the Algebra I Requirement fields will be available on student Transcript and Graduation Status pages.
  • Indicate if the the physical fitness testing fields will be available (Display on Forms - Physical Fitness Testing option)
  • Display on Forms - Competency Tests option
  • Class Rank and Student Cohorts - Do not rank students who are behind grade level from their Graduation Cohort - Indicate if students are only ranked when their grade level is the same as the natural grade level of their cohort. Otherwise students are ranked even if their grade level is behind their cohort’s natural grade level.

School Info > Configurations > School Settings

Algebra 1 Requirements

Overview for Physical Fitness Testing

Transcript Design Options - Enhanced (1-Column) Style

GPA Calculation

Verify and set portal options for grade reporting.

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Grades tab)

Portal Options - Grades

If using standards-based grading, enable the feature in Portal Options.

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Grades tab)

Grade Reporting in the Teacher Portal

(Secondary schools only) Select grade reporting options for supplemental attendance sessions (if using) if the session will be used to create Grade (GRD) records.

Supplemental Attendance > Supp Att Sessions

Grade Reporting Integration

Add the following codes to the code table:

  • Grade Report Mark Headings Beginning Date (GRP.B1-GRP.B12)
  • Grade Report Mark Headings Ending Date (GRP.E1-GRP.E12)
  • Grade Report Mark Headings State Codes (GRP.C1-GRP.C12)
  • Graduation status/requirement tracks (REQ.GRT)

    NOTE: Once defined on Graduation Requirements, these populate the Graduation Track field on Graduation Status.

  • Course Names and Codes (CRS.CO or HIS.CO)
  • Activities and Awards: Code (ACT.CD) and Reason (ACT.TY)
  • Course Subject Areas or Departments (CRS.S1 or CRS.DC)
  • Course Characteristics (CCH.CD)

    If using district GPAs by cohort, create a characteristic such as "Cohort YYYY." When creating a District GPA, the Course Characteristic will be specified.
  • Student Report Card (STU.RC)

    If using add-on report cards. Amount must be 1 or 2:

    Report Card Types 
    • If COD.N1 = 1, the teacher comments from the default report card are printed on the add-on report card. 
    • COD.N1 = 2, the teacher comments are hidden on the add-on report card.

School Info > Configuration > Update Code Table

Update Code Table

Grade Reporting - Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions

Graduation Requirements

Assigning Students a Report Card Type

Build terms, including start and end dates for each track (if Tracks > 0 on School Options).

NOTE: Calendar must be set up before Terms can be created.

School Info > Terms

Gradebook Grading Periods

Grade Reporting - Supporting Tables

Build grading periods if using.


  • Terms must be set up before grading periods can be added.
  • The Use Grading Periods Instead of Terms in Gradebook option must be selected on School Options.
  • Grading periods are also used for Grading Snapshots (mid-cycle progress reporting).

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Grading Periods

Texas - Grading Periods

Gradebook Grading Periods

Enter every possible mark that will be used for grade reporting, along with its GPA computation rules, including 0-100 and any non-numeric mark such as P, F, I, NC, etc.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Valid Marks

Reports > Grades > Grade Reporting Valid Marks

Grade Reporting - Valid Marks

Grade Reporting Listing 

GPA Calculation 

Add graduation requirement pathways.

For each pathway, add requirements. For each requirement, add Course Clusters that can accomplish the requirement.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Add-On Graduation Reqs Setup

Endorsements/Add-on Graduation Requirements: Overview

Endorsements/Add-on Graduation Requirements: Setup

Assigning Students a Report Card Type

Add any graduation tracks that will be assigned to students:

  • Non-credit tracks

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

Non-Credit-Based Grad Tracks

Create/edit the text that prints on the graduation status letter.

School Info > Letter Texts > Graduation Status Letter Text Editor

Graduation Status Letter Text Editor

Add any courses that may be taken outside of the normal grade range.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Off Grade Courses

Off Grade Courses

If using standards-based grading, configure the standards.

(District) Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Load State Learning Standards

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Standards By Category

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Setup

Load State Learning Standards Overview

Using the Load State Learning Standards Page


Standards-Based Setup

Secondary Standards-Based Grade Reporting Overview

Setting Up Standards for Secondary Standards Based Grade

Can Standards That are-No Longer Used in Report Cards be Deleted?

If using standards-based grading, link standards to courses.

Scheduling Process > Courses (Standards tab)

Standards-Based Grades in an Elementary With Master Schedule  School

Standards-Based Grades in a Flex Scheduling Section-Staff or Primary Class Tracking School

Elementary Primary Class Scheduling SBG Grading

Verify that all fields are set correctly for each section in master schedule.

Scheduling Process > Master Schedule

Grade Reporting - Supporting Tables

Set Portal Options for Teacher Portal and date windows for grade reporting.

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Grades tab)

Portal Options - Grades

Grade Reporting in the Teacher Portal

How to Open the Grading Window for just One Teacher

Set up weekly progress emails to parents if using.

School Info > Configurations > Weekly Progress Email Setup

How to Set Up and Configure Weekly Progress Emails for Parents

Configure grading snapshots if using. These can also be used for progress reporting (only available for schools using Secondary, Flexible or Elem w/MST scheduling).

Grade Reporting > Functions > Manage Grading Snapshots

Grading Snapshots Overview and Configuration

Gradebook Grading Periods

Add any text that should be displayed in the Graduation Status section of the Students Profile, Graduation Status page, and Graduation Status Report.
  • Graduation Status form disclaimer field

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Miscellaneous tab)

Portal Options - Miscellaneous

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Transcript Setup

The following transcript setup tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Upload the principal’s signature file to print on the transcript signature line, if using.

School Info > School Options (Signature button)

Configure the school/district address that will appear on report cards and transcripts.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Grade Reporting Address Options

School Info > Configurations > Push and Pull Setup Tables

Grade Reporting - Address Options

Push and Pull Setup Tables

For each school and each transcript used, modify the default transcript, and/or add additional transcripts.

  • GPA Options

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Transcript Definition

School Info > Configurations > Push and Pull Setup Tables

Transcript Definition Form

Push and Pull Setup Tables 

Transcript Design Options Standard 3-Column Style 

Transcript Design Options Enhanced 1-Column Style 

Texas First Early High School Completion Program

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Report Card Setup

The following report card setup tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Configure report card legends that describe the following:

  • Academic Marks
  • Citizenship Marks
  • Comment Codes (Teachers will be able to insert these codes from Teacher Portal. These appear in the report card Comments column for each course.)
  • Message Codes (These appear at the bottom of the report card and are not course specific.)

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Grade Reporting Codes and Descriptions

Reports > Grades > Grade Reporting Codes And Descriptions

Grade Reporting - Codes and Descriptions

Grade Reporting - Report Card Messages

If using standards-based grading, define any comment codes that teachers will be able to insert on standards-based report cards. (Teachers will be able to insert these codes from Teacher Portal. These appear in the report card Comments column for each course.)

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options > Comments

Standards Based Options - Comments

Configure report cards (regular and standards-based).

  • Allow Numeric Marks (0-100) - Select if using numeric grades.
  • Under GPA Warning select the grades and rank to print.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Grade Reporting Options

School Info > Configurations > Push and Pull Setup Tables

Grade Reporting Options


Options for Secondary Standards Based Grades


Flex Scheduling - Grade Reporting


Push and Pull Setup Tables


GPA's, Credits and Class Rank Overview and Fields

Indicate the headings that print above each mark on the multiple mark report cards. These headings also appear on Grade Reporting > Grades.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions

School Info > Configurations > Push and Pull Setup Table

Grade Reporting - Multiple Mark Headings and Descriptions

Texas - Grading Periods

Push and Pull Setup Tables

Grades/Transcripts in Alt Ed

If using standards-based grading, indicate the marks and headings that print in the Explanation of Marks section on standards-based report cards.

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options (Mark Types tab)

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options (Mark Type Legend tab)

Standards Based Options - Mark Types

Standards Based Options - Mark Type Legend

If using standards-based grading, configure the standards-based report cards.

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options (Language Options tab)

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options (Terms tab)

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standards Based Options (Valid Marks tab)

Standards Based Options -General Options

Standards Based Options - Language Options

Standards Based Options - Terms

Standards Based Options - Valid Marks

If using standards-based grading, create templates for standards-based report cards.

Standards Based Grades > Configurations > Standard Based Report Card Template

Standard Based Report Card Templates - Overview

Standard Based Report Card Templates - Creating a New Template

Standard Based Report Card Templates - Building a Template

Standard Based Report Card Templates - Print Preview

Standard Based Report Card Templates - Saving and Opening a Template

Standard Based Report Card Templates - Push-to-SBE

Cannot See Standards Based Report Card Template After Creating One

Gradebook Setup

The following Gradebook setup tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Verify and set portal options for teacher gradebooks.

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Gradebook tab)

Portal Options - Gradebook  

Gradebook Option Locking 

Gradebook Quick Start Guide - Briefcase/Backpack

Indicate if teachers will be able to keep certain Gradebook pages alive. If
Disable Session Keep-Alive for Teachers is selected, the session timeout message will be displayed when the session reaches the time out setting.

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Miscellaneous tab)

Portal Options - Miscellaneous

Teachers verify and set Gradebook options.

Aeries Gradebook > Manage > Options

Gradebook Custom Colors 

Gradebook Options 

(District) Create custom marks that can be used in Teacher Gradebooks if using. (Feature flag must be enabled)

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Gradebook Custom Marks (district level)

Gradebook Custom Marks

(District) Create custom colors for gradebook scores if using.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Gradebook Custom Colors

Gradebook Custom Colors

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