Teacher does not show on the Missing Attendance Report or the Attendance Submission Log


  • Scheduling Type - Secondary, Elem w/MST, or Elementary


Teacher does not have an Electronic Tag in their Teacher Record

All teachers who are required to take attendance must have an Electronic Tag (TCH.ET), of “A,” “D,” or "G" in their Teacher Record. This allows them to show up on the Attendance Submission Log and the Missing Attendance Report. 


On the Teachers page, populate the "Elec Tag" field with the appropriate value for the selected teacher and click Save.

  • A - Electronic Attendance: allows electronic attendance
  • D - Electronic Attendance and Grades: allows electronic attendance and grades
  • G - All: allows electronic attendance and grades and includes the teacher on the missing lunch count reports in daily attendance schools.

Electronic Tag (TCH.ET) should be populated for every teacher that is responsible for attendance when their teacher record is created.

NOTE: Populating the Electronic Tag field in TCH can affect the results of the Missing Attendance report and the Attendance Submission Log for past dates. Missing attendance for teachers not properly tagged in the Electronic Tag field would not have shown on either the Missing Attendance Report or Attendance Submission Log prior to the field being populated.