Early Childhood Development Page
Early Childhood Development History
Requirements for printing EESD-9600
Early Childhood Development Page
Navigate to Student Data > Other > Early Childhood Development.
Once the Early Childhood Development Setup has been populated, users can begin updating a student's Early Childhood Development page. Click on the Add button to add an Early Childhood Development record.
The Edit Early Childhood popup will display. Enter the Early Childhood Development information for the student. Information added here will print on the student's EESD-9600 application and will be part of the CDD-801A extract.
- Reasons for Services - Primary reason that subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract are needed by the family. This is the primary reason used to determine “need” for services. See Childcare Reporting Definitions from CDE.
- A – Child Protective Services (CPS) or At-Risk (child is a recipient of protective services or is at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation)
- B – Parent/Caretaker Incapacitated
- C – Experiencing Homelessness
- D – Employment
- E – Education/Vocational Training (participating in vocational training leading directly to a recognized trade, para-profession, or profession)
- F – Both employment and Education/Vocational Training
- G – Seeking Employment
- H – Seeking Permanent Housing (seeking permanent housing for family stability)
- J – Handicapped Program (reason applies to families where all children in the family only receive services in part-day CSPP or CHAN)
- Q – Part-Day CSPP (reason applies to families where all children in the family only receive services in part-day CSPP or CHAN. This reason must be selected when all children in the family receive only part-day CSPP services and the family's eligibility is based on income, not CPS or Homelessness)
- R - CSPP No Need (apply to families where all children in the family only receive CSPP services and do not qualify for any other reason)
- S - CSPP Neighborhood School Eligibility (apply to families where all children in the family only receive CSPP services and do not qualify for any other reason)
- U - CSPP Early Enrollment (apply to families where all children in the family only receive CSPP services and do not qualify for any other reason)
- V - Means Tested Government Program (apply to families where all children in the family only receive CSPP services and do not qualify for any other reason)
- Head of Household FIPS Code - Indicates the code that identifies the state and county in which the HoH receiving subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Education Division (EED) lives.
- The code must be added to the COD table for ECD.FC.
- Services Type and Length - Indicates whether the child received direct services or sub-contracted services.
- A - Direct Services Full-Day - received four (4) hours or more of care for at least one day in the report period.
- B - Direct Services Part-Day - received less than four (4) hours (no more than three [3] hours and 59 minutes) of care each day.
- C - Subcontracted Services Full-Day - received four (4) hours or more of care for at least one day in the report period.
- D - Subcontracted Services Part-Day - received less than four (4) hours (no more than three [3] hours and 59 minutes) of care each day.
- Start Date - Actual date on which the child began receiving subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD).
- End Date - Enter the End Date for which the child no longer receives services.
- Family Start Date - Original date on which a family began receiving subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD).
- Type of Child Care - indicates the setting type (licensed or license-exempt category) during a report period
02 – Licensed family child care home
03 – Licensed large family child care home
04 – Licensed center-based care
05 – License-exempt in child’s home by a relative
06 – License-exempt in child’s home by a nonrelative
07 – License-exempt outside the child’s home by a relative
08 – License-exempt outside the child’s home by a nonrelative
- 11 – License-exempt center-based care
- Instruction Type - Full Day, Half Day-Morning, Half-Day-Afternoon
- Funding Type - Indicate a funding source other than state
- Recertification flag for student
NOTE: Values in the Funding Type field indicate a funding source other than the state. Therefore, students with this field populated will not be included in the State's CDD-801A extract.

When all data has been entered, click the Save icon to save the data and exit Edit mode.

Multiple Early Childhood Development records can be added as a student's status changes. If multiple open records are added (Start Date is added, but the End Date is blank), a warning will be displayed:

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Requirements for printing EESD-9600 ↑