Adding Financial Aid Application Activities and Awards Records
Navigate to Student Data > Other > Activities and Awards
California schools are being asked to track student's completion of a FAFSA application or a waiver for it. This can be done by adding specific records to the Activities and Awards (ACT) page in Aeries.
Once the Other Graduation Requirements - Financial Aid Application record is added to the Activities and Awards table, a Financial Aid Application widget will appear on both the Profile page under Graduation Status > Recognitions and on the Graduation Status page under Recognitions.
Security ↑
Table | Permission | Description |
Activities and Awards (ACT) | Read Insert Update Delete Mass Update | View Activities and Awards (ACT) page Add new ACT record Update ACT records Delete ACT records Mass add ACT records using Mass Add Student Related Data or Import Data to Aeries |
Configurations ↑
The dropdown codes that are needed to populate the Financial Aid Application records are already configured within Aeries fixed code sets with the 6/16/2022 update. Below is a list of the fields and values that will need to be used when adding a Financial Aid Application record.
Table | Field | Description |
Activities and Awards (ACT) | Type (TY) | Other Graduation Requirements (Required value) |
Code (CD) | G04 - Financial Aid Application (Required value) | |
Reason (RS) | Required value, choose one: FA1 - Financial application form completed FA2 - Exception submitted |
Adding Financial Aid Application Activities and Awards Records ↑
Each student should have at most one Financial Aid Application Activities and Awards record. In order for the record to display properly the Reason (FA1 or FA2) must also be populated in the record.
The Financial Aid Application records can be entered one at a time on the Activities and Awards page, or many records can be created at once through the Mass Add Student Related Data.
Activities and Awards Page
To add a new Financial Aid Application record go to Student Data > Other > Activities and Awards.
Click on the Add New Record button. The following fields must be populated:
- Date - Defaults to the current date, adjust if necessary
- Type - Select Other Graduation Requirements
- Code - Select G04 - Financial Aid Application
- Reason - Select either FA1 - Financial application form completed
or FA2 - Exception submitted
Click on the Save icon.
Please remember that each student should only have one Financial Aid Application record.
Mass Add Records with the Same Reason
The following steps can be used to create a large number of Financial Aid Application records with the same Reason. The below example will outline how to mass import a group of students that did complete the financial aid application.
- Create a spreadsheet that contains a list of Student IDs for students that completed the financial aid application.
- Check the spreadsheet to make sure none of these students already have Financial Aid Application records in Aeries since the Mass Add process will create new records for all of the students. This can be done by running the below query in Aeries to generate a list of students that already have a record. Any students that are listed in the query and are also in the spreadsheet should be removed from the spreadsheet.
The query results can be limited to a certain school and grade by adding AND STU.SC = xxx AND STU.GR = yyy to the end of it, where xxx is a local school number and yyy is a grade level, for example:
LIST STU ACT STU.ID STU.SC STU.LN STU.FN STU.GR ACT.DT ACT.TY? ACT.CD? ACT.RS? BY STU.ID IF ACT.CD = G04 AND STU.SC = 994 AND STU.GR = 12 - Navigate to Functions > Mass Add Student Related Data
- Click on the Create New button
- Target Table - select ACT
- Type - Select Other Graduation Requirements
- Code - Select G04 - Financial Aid Application
- Date - Defaults to the current date, adjust if necessary
- Reason - Select FA1 - Financial application form completed (or select FA2 - Exclusion submitted if you are importing students that did not complete an application)
- From the spreadsheet, select and copy the list of student ID's, then paste them into the Student Search box.
- Click Load Students
- Under Search Results (left), click All to select all students, or select individual students
Click the Right Arrow to move the students to the Selected Students (right) box - Click on the Mass Add Records button
For more detailed instructions on the mass add process please see Mass Add Student Related Data
Transcripts ↑
The Financial Aid Application recognition can be printed on the transcripts by selecting them on the Transcript Definition > TTP - Things to Print. In order to print both the completed and the exception records, both Reasons will need to configured in the Things to Print.