HIBS-1 – Allegations of Harassment or Bullying
HIBS-2 – Allegations of Harassment or Bullying – Gender Identity
HIBS-3 – Allegations of Harassment or Bullying - By Religion Type
HIBS-4 – Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Sex
HIBS-5 – Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Race, Color or National Origin
HIBS-6 – Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Disability
HIBS-7 – Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Sex
HIBS-8 – Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Race, Color or National Origin
HIBS-9 – Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Disability
HIBS-1 – Allegations of Harassment or Bullying
Allegations of Harassment or Bullying – a count of the number of allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race/color/national origin, disability and religion that occurred for students in K - 12th grade during the reporting year. This is a count of allegations, not a count of students.
- Count allegations of harassment or bullying against students in grades K - 12 during the reporting year.
- The Harassment and Bullying codes are the Victims Type (VIC.TY) codes defined on the Codes tab.
- All Victims Status (VIC.ST) codes are included in the Allegations counts.
- The "On the Basis of" areas are identified by the Victims Basis fields (VIC.BB, VIC.BD, VIC.BO, VIC.BR, and VIC.BS). If an allegation includes multiple categories then it will be counted in each applicable category.
- Each allegation will be counted only once, even if it involves more than one student. Aeries will use the Incident ID (VIC.IID) to limit the allegation count to a single incident when the VIC.IID is greater than 0. If the VIC.IID is 0 Aeries will count it as a unique incident.
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
HIBS-2 – Allegations of Harassment or Bullying – Gender Identity ↑
Allegations of Harassment or Bullying – a count of the number of allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of gender identity that occurred for students in K - 12th grade during the reporting year. This is a count of allegations, not a count of students.
- NOTE: Aeries will support HIBS-2 in the 2023-2024 collection; the table is optional for 2021-2022.
HIBS-3 – Allegations of Harassment or Bullying-By Religion Type ↑
Allegations of Harassment or Bullying by Religion Type – a count of the number of allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of type of religion that occurred for students in K - 12th grade during the reporting year. This is a count of allegations, not a count of students.
- Count allegations of harassment or bullying against students in grades K - 12 during the reporting year.
- The Harassment and Bullying codes are the Victims Type (VIC.TY) codes defined on the Codes tab.
- Allegations are identified by the Victims Status (VIC.ST) codes defined on the Codes tab.
- The "On the Basis of" areas are identified by the Victims Basis fields (VIC.BB).
- The Religion Types are identified by the Victims Religion Type field (VIC.RT).
- Each allegation will be counted only once, even if it involves more than one student. Aeries will use the Incident ID (VIC.IID) to limit the allegation count to a single incident when the VIC.IID is greater than 0. If the VIC.IID is 0 Aeries will count it as a unique incident.
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
HIBS-4 – Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Sex ↑
Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Sex – a count of students that were reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of sex.
- Count students in grades K - 12 that were harassed or bullied during the reporting year.
- The Harassment and Bullying codes are the Victims Type (VIC.TY) codes defined on the Codes tab.
- "On the Basis of Sex" is identified by the Victims Basis of Sex field (VIC.BS).
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
- See Civil Rights Calculations for Discipline through Restraint Tables for additional information on demographic breakdowns.
HIBS-5 – Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Race, Color or National Origin ↑
Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Race, Color, or National Origin – a count of students that were reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of race, color or national origin.
- Count students in grades K - 12 that were harassed or bullied during the reporting year.
- The Harassment and Bullying codes are the Victims Type (VIC.TY) codes defined on the Codes tab.
- "On the Basis of Race, Color or National Origin" is identified by the Victims Basis of Race field (VIC.BR).
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
- See Civil Rights Calculations for Discipline through Restraint Tables for additional information on demographic breakdowns.
HIBS-6 – Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied - Disability ↑
Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Disability – a count of students that were reported as harassed or bullied on the basis of disability.
- Count students in grades K - 12 that were harassed or bullied during the reporting year.
- The Harassment and Bullying codes are the Victims Type (VIC.TY) codes defined on the Codes tab.
- "On the Basis of Disability" is identified by the Victims Basis of Disability field (VIC.BD).
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (VIC.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
- See Civil Rights Calculations for Discipline through Restraint Tables for additional information on demographic breakdowns.
HIBS-7 – Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Sex ↑
Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying on the Basis of Sex – a count of students that were disciplined for engaging in harassment or bullying on the basis of sex.
- Count students in grades K - 12 that were disciplined for engaging in harassment or bullying during the reporting year.
- The Assertive Discipline (ADS.CD) codes are those defined on the Codes tab for Disciplined for Harassment - Sex.
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (ADS.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (ADS.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
- See Civil Rights Calculations for Discipline through Restraint Tables for additional information on demographic breakdowns.
HIBS-8 – Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Race, Color or National Origin ↑
Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying on the Basis of Race, Color or National Origin – a count of students that were disciplined for engaging in harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color or national origin.
- Count students in grades K - 12 that were disciplined for engaging in harassment or bullying during the reporting year.
- The Assertive Discipline (ADS.CD) codes are those defined on the Codes tab for Disciplined for Harassment - Race.
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (ADS.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (ADS.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
- See Civil Rights Calculations for Discipline through Restraint Tables for additional information on demographic breakdowns.
HIBS-9 – Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying - Disability ↑
Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying on the Basis of Disability – a count of students that were disciplined for engaging in harassment or bullying on the basis of disability.
- Count students in grades K - 12 that were disciplined for engaging in harassment or bullying during the reporting year.
- The Assertive Discipline (ADS.CD) codes are those defined on the Codes tab for Disciplined for Harassment - Disability.
- Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (ADS.DT). The Enrollment Reporting School (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.Enrollment (ENR) records will be used to determine which school the student was enrolled in on the date of the occurrence (ADS.DT). The Campus of Accountability (ENR.HS) value will be used as the CRDC Reporting School when it is not blank.
- See Civil Rights Calculations for Discipline through Restraint Tables for additional information on demographic breakdowns.