The CDE allowed flexibility for CCI Dashboard Indicators because of the effects of the COVID Pandemic in the Spring of the 2019-2020 School Year:
Measure A Spring 2019-20 Changes
The typical requirements for a student to be considered Prepared for Measure A - Career Technical Education (CTE) are:
- Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway Completion with a C- or better in the Capstone Course
- Plus one of the following:
- SBAC - At least a Level 3 "Standard Met" on ELA or Mathematics and at least a Level 2 "Standard Nearly met" in the other subject area
- College Credit Course: One semester/two quarters with grade of C- or better (Academic/CTE subjects)
The CCI process has been updated to count credit for capstone courses with non-traditional marks during terms impacted by COVID-19. Any capstone course in transcripts (HIS) with the following criteria will be considered to have successfully completed the CTE portion of the requirement:
Transcript Terms (HIS.TE)
- Spring 2019-20 (Transcript Definition terms that will be treated as courses taken during the end of the 2019-20 school year are H5, H6, Q4, S2, T3 and SS)
- Summer following the Spring 2019-20 term
Transcript Years (HIS.YR)
- 2019-20 for the Spring term
- Either 2019-20 or 2020-21 for the Summer term following the 2019-20 Spring term depending on the College Entrance Requirements Option "Does the School Year on HIS records change for the Summer following an academic year?". If this option is not selected, then the modified calculation will be applied to the 2019-20 Summer transcript records for CTE capstone courses. If the option is selected then the modified calculation will be applied to the 2020-21 Summer transcript records for CTE capstone courses.
Transcript Mark (HIS.MK)
- A non-traditional grade (ex. "P" for Pass, "CR" for Credit , or "NC" for No Credit)
Transcript Credits Completed (HIS.CC)
- Credits Completed > 0