This chart lists the Item Definitions and associated fields provided with Aeries Analytics. Districts can use this chart as a guide to customize the Item Definitions to align with established configurations.
Item Definition | School Type | Associated Fields |
Add-Graduation Requirements | High Schools Only |
Attendance All Day Truancy | All Schools |
Attendance Attendance Notifications | All Schools |
Attendance Attendance Percentage | All Schools |
Thresholds established to determine Chronic Absenteeism |
Attendance Total Absences | All Schools |
College and Career Indicator Measure A - CTE | California only High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
College and Career Indicator Measure B - SBAC | California Only High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
College and Career Indicator Measure C - Dual Enrollment | California Only High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
College and Career Indicator Measure D - AP/IB | California Only High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
College and Career Indicator Measure E - A to G | California Only High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
College and Career Indicator Overall | California Only High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Discipline Days of Suspension | All Schools |
Discipline Total Violations | All Schools |
EL English Language Status | All Schools |
EL Long Term English Learners | All Schools |
Thresholds established to determine Long Term English Learners |
GPA Current Report Card | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary using Standards Based Report Cards |
Thresholds established to determine GPAs |
Gradebook Electives | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook English | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Foreign Language | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook History/Social Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Math | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Science: Life | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Visual and Performing Arts | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Graduation Requirements Credits in English | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Electives | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Foreign Language | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Life Science | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Mathematics | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Physical Science | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Social Science | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Visual and Performing Arts | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements English | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Math | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Program 504 | All Schools |
Program AVID | All Schools |
Program Foster Youth | All Schools |
Program GATE | All Schools |
Program Homeless | All Schools |
Program Socio-Economically Disadvantaged | All Schools |
Program Special Ed | All Schools |
Report Card English | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Report Card Math | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
SBAC ELA | All Schools |
SBAC Math | All Schools |
SBAC Communicate Reasoning | All Schools |
SBAC Concepts Claim | All Schools |
SBAC Listening Claim | All Schools |
SBAC Problem Solving | All Schools |
SBAC Reading Claim | All Schools |
SBAC Research Claim | All Schools |
SBAC Writing Claim | All Schools |
Transcript Electives | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript English | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript Life Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript Math | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript PE | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript Physical Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript Social Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript World Languages | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
UC A-G A - History/Social Science | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
UC A-G B - English | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
UC A-G C - Mathematic | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
UC A-G D - AP/IB | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
UC A-G D - AP/IB | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
UC A-G F - VAPA | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
UC A-G G - College Prep Elective | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Item Definition | School Type | Associated Fields |
Add-Graduation Requirements | High Schools Only |
Attendance All Day Truancy | All Schools |
Attendance Attendance Notifications | All Schools |
Attendance Attendance Percentage | All Schools |
Thresholds established to determine Chronic Absenteeism |
Attendance Total Absences | All Schools |
Discipline Days of Suspension | All Schools |
Discipline Total Violations | All Schools |
EL English Language Status | All Schools |
EL Long Term English Learners | All Schools |
Thresholds established to determine Long Term English Learners |
GPA Current Report Card | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary using Standards Based Report Cards |
Thresholds established to determine GPAs |
Gradebook Electives | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook English | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Foreign Language | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook History/Social Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Math | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Gradebook Visual and Performing Arts | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Graduation Requirements Credits in English | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Electives | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in World Language | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Science | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Mathematics | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Social Science | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Graduation Requirements Credits in Visual and Performing Arts | High Schools Only Delete for Elementary Districts |
Program 504 | All Schools |
Program AVID | All Schools |
Program Foster Youth | All Schools |
Program GATE | All Schools |
Program Homeless | All Schools |
Program Socio-Economically Disadvantaged | All Schools |
Program Special Ed | All Schools |
Report Card English | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Card | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Report Card Math | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
STAAR Grades 3-8 Reading | Grades 3-8 |
STAAR Grades 3-8 Math | Grades 3-8 |
STAAR Grades 3-8 Writing | Grades 3-8 |
STAAR Grades 3-8 Social Studies | Grades 3-8 |
STAAR Grades 3-8 Science | Grades 3-8 |
STAAR End-of-Course English I | High Schools |
STAAR End-of-Course English II | High Schools |
STAAR End-of-Course English III | High Schools |
STAAR End-of-Course Algebra I | High Schools and Middle Schools |
STAAR End-of-Course Algebra II | High Schools |
STAAR End-of-Course Biology | High Schools |
STAAR End-of-Course U.S. History | High Schools |
TELPAS TX English Language Proficiency Assessment System-Overall | All Schools |
TELPAS TX English Language Proficiency Assessment System-Listening | All Schools |
TELPAS TX English Language Proficiency Assessment System-Speaking | All Schools |
TELPAS TX English Language Proficiency Assessment System-Reading | All Schools |
TELPAS TX English Language Proficiency Assessment System-Writing | All Schools |
TELPAS TX English Language Proficiency Assessment System-Comprehension | All Schools |
Transcript Electives | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript English | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript Math | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript PE | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript Social Science | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Card | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools:
Transcript World Languages | High Schools and Middle Schools/ Junior High Schools N/A for Elementary Schools using Standards Based Report Cards | High Schools:
Middle Schools/Junior High Schools: