Remote Instruction Codes

Two new remote learning codes, Remote Synchronous (RS) and Remote Asynchronous (RA), have been added to Aeries to support remote learning in Texas. The new codes can be found in the School Programs page, which when enabled will apply to all students, and in the Special Programs page which can be set for individual students.

School Programs

The Remote Synchronous (RS) and Remote Asynchronous (RA) instruction codes have been added as School-wide Programs in the School Programs page. If either the Remote Synchronous (RS) or Remote Asynchronous (RA) School Program is enabled for a school, the School Program code will display in the Instructional Model column for every student on the Attendance page in the Teacher Portal. When a School Program is in use, the School Program will over-ride individual remote learning codes entered in the student's Special Programs Page. 

The School Programs page can be found at School Info -> Configurations -> School Programs in the Navigation Menu. 

To add a remote learning program on the School Programs page, click the Add a New Record button. 

Select either the Remote Synchronous (RS) or the Remote Asynchronous (RA) program. 

Enter a Start Date, an End Date, and a comment if desired. Click the Save button to save the new record.

The Remote Synchronous School Program is now enabled for Screaming Eagle High School with a start date of 8/24/2020 and an end date of 9/15/2020.

Teacher Attendance Page

The remote Instructional school program is now visible in the Instructional Model column on the Attendance page for all teachers in the Teacher Portal.  

Special Programs

Individual remote learning programs can be added to a student's Special Program page. The remote learning codes are identical to the School Programs codes: Remote Synchronous (RS) and Remote Asynchronous (RA). When a remote learning program is added to a student's Special Programs page the remote learning program will display in the Instructional Model column for that student on the Attendance page in the Teacher Portal. If a School Program is set, the School Program will override individual Remote Learning codes entered in the Student's Special Programs Page and will display in the Instructional Model column for all students. 

The Special Programs page can be found at Student Data ->Programs -> Special Programs in the Navigation Menu. 

To add a remote learning Special Program to a student's record click the Add button. The Insert New Program window will open. Click the down-arrow in the Program Code selection box and select either the Remote Asynchronous (RA) or Remote Synchronous (RS) program code. Enter a start date for the student program. 

The Remote Instruction Program has now been entered in the student's Special Programs page. 

Teacher Attendance Page

The remote Instructional student Special Program is now visible in the Instructional Model column on the Attendance page for the student's teacher in the Teacher Portal

Note: If a School Program is used the School Program will override the student's special program.