This listing identifies available Scheduling Reports by:

Master Schedule Reports

Scheduling Master Reports

Other Reports

These reports are only run at campuses that use Elementary With Master and Secondary Scheduling, and are not run for the district.

Report TitleDescription

Scheduling Master Schedule Reports

Prescheduling Edit ListingLists students with courses requested and errors in scheduling, such as invalid course number or grade range.
Room Availability ReportPrints rooms by period with scheduled rooms indicated. A bell schedule is also included. The report can be run from either the Master Schedule or Scheduling Master Schedule. 
Scheduling Class Load AnalysisLists sections with a variety of data, including subtotals and deviations.
Scheduling Class Load AveragesPrints class load averages with a variety of data, including the number of students requesting the course.
Scheduling Conflict MatrixPrints the number of students who have requested a specified course, and any other course within the listing.
Scheduling Course Request AnalysisPrints each course with a variety of totals, including average class size per section.
Scheduling Course Request Letter to ParentsCreates letters to parents that list the student's course requests for next year.
Scheduling Course Request ListingPrints students and their requested courses with several sorting options.
Scheduling Course Request TallyPrints the total number of requests by course and grade level.
Scheduling Letter to ParentsCreates letters to parents that list the student's course requests for the next term.
Scheduling Master SchedulePrints all sections of the SMS with a variety of data and several sorting options.
Scheduling Master Schedule BoardPrints a teacher-by-period matrix of the Scheduling Master Schedule, each cell containing a variety of data.
Scheduling Master Schedule DetailsPrints information about each Scheduling Master section with a variety of filters, one section per page.
Scheduling Master Schedule ErrorsPrints errors of inconsistent elements between sections within a course that must be corrected before scheduling students.
Scheduling Reject Analysis ListingPrints students rejected from scheduling, including the section and reason.
Scheduling Reverse Verification ListingLists courses with the name of each student who requested the course.
Staff SchedulePrints a matrix view of a school's staff schedule. It is available from either the scheduling master schedule (SMS), or the master schedule (MST).
Student Class Schedule for All StudentsPrints students with their scheduled sections with a variety of data.  It is available from either the master schedule or the scheduling master schedule. 
Scheduling Class Schedule for all StudentsPrints students and all scheduled courses with a variety of data.
Student Course Request for All StudentsPrints students and their course requests with a variety of data.
Student Locator CardsPrints student schedules in several formats for distribution with a variety of options for including other data.
Students With Double PeriodsPrints students in two or more sections in one period/term, including section information about the duplicate classes.
Students with Duplicate Course RequestsLists students with two or more of the same course request.
Students With Incomplete Class ScheduleLists students with incomplete/gapped class schedules based on the period range of the report options.  The report may be generated from MST/SEC or SMS/SSS.
Students With More or Less Than N Course RequestsLists students with more or less than the specified number of course requests, including a variety of other data.
Students with More or Less Than N PeriodsLists students with more or less than a specified number of sections, including a variety of other data.
Students With No Course RequestsPrint students without any course requests (SSS).
Students With Unbalanced Academic WeightLists students in a 4x4 block schedule whose courses are not distributed evenly between terms.
Summary of Students by Teacher & PeriodPrints a matrix of student counts by the teacher for each term and period.

Master Schedule Reports

Add/Drop ListingIdentifies students who added or dropped a section within the selected dates.
Class Load AnalysisLists sections with a variety of data, including subtotals and deviations.
Graph of Total Students by Teacher

Prints a bar graph of total students by counselor (District and Secondary), by teacher (Elementary w/Master), by Primary Teacher (Flex Daily with Primary Class Tracking).

Master SchedulePrints all sections of the MST with a variety of data and several sorting options.
Master Schedule BoardPrints a teacher-by-period matrix of the Master Schedule, each cell containing a variety of data.
Master Schedule DetailsPrints information about each Master Schedule section with a variety of filters, one section per page.
Period Totals by GradePrints the number of students scheduled into sections by period and grade level.
Room Availability ReportSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above.
Staff ScheduleSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above. 
Student Class Schedule for All StudentsSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above. 
Student Locator CardsSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above. 
Student Room/Section ListingPrints a matrix of students and periods with either room number or section for a specified date. A bell schedule is also included.
Student Schedule ListingLists students and their class schedules with a variety of options.
Student Schedule Listing WideLists students and their class schedules with a variety of options for a specific date.
Students With Double PeriodsSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above. 
Students With Incomplete Class ScheduleSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above. 
Students With More or Less Than N PeriodsSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above. 
Students With Unbalanced Academic WeightSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above.
Summary of Students by Course & PeriodPrints a matrix of student counts by the course for each term and period.
Summary of Students by Teacher & PeriodSee the report description in the Scheduling Master Schedule Reports section above. 
Summary of Students by Total Classes TakenPrints the total number of students per grade by term for each period.

Other Reports

Course Reference SummaryLists all courses in the CRS table with a total number of references to a variety of tables.
Courses Not UsedLists courses that are not referenced in any related table in Aeries.
CSF Course List - CaliforniaLists only CSF courses with their assigned CSF Category.
Instructional MinutesLists students with fewer than the designated number of minutes with a variety of other options.
Staff InformationPrints a variety of data for each staff member, one person per page.
Teacher Class SchedulesPrints teachers with their assigned sections and a variety of data for a specified term, one teacher per page.