The Fees by Student Report will print fees charged to students. The report can print a history of fees charged to and paid by students as well as fees that are still outstanding. 

The Fees by Student Report has been enhanced with an option to show if the asset a student has been charged for has been checked in or has been checked out by another student or staff member. A District Asset Fee with a fee type of "R" (Replacement) must have been previously added to a student's record in the Student Asset Fees page. The option to Only Show Asset Fees Checked In is available when the Display Assets/Resources Information option is checked. This option is a conversion item from client and replaces the "Print Textbook Fines Checked In" report. 

Security: Users will need Read to FEE to use this report.

This report is found under Reports > Student Data. The report is not available at the District level. 

The Fees by Student Report has various option which can be selected. The report can print all students consecutively or if the Print Each Student on a Separate Page option is selected the report will print each student's information on separate pages which can then be distributed to students. The report can also print student fees based on selected date ranges or can print a history of all fees charged to students. Additionally, a student's teacher/counselor can be added to the report. The Fees by Student Report can be sorted by Student Name or Fee Code.


The Fees by Student Report will print a history of all fees charged to a student by default. 

Selecting the Print Outstanding Fees Only option will limit the report output to outstanding fees owed by students. 

If the Display Assets/Resources Information option is selected, then the Only Show Asset Fees Checked In option is available for use. 

This option will show if an item for which a student has a current fee has been checked in, or has been checked out to another student or a staff member. Thus, helping to resolve charged fees which might need to be cleared.  A District Asset Fee with a fee type of "R" (Replacement) must have been previously added to a student's record in the Student Asset Fees page.