The Adult Education page is utilized to add, update, and display Adult Education information for students. Adult Education data is stored in the AED and AEF tables.  


Users must have permissions to the Adult Education security area in order to READ/VIEW and/or UPDATE the information on the student's Adult Education page.  Users without permissions to the Adult Education security area will not have access to view and/or change the data in the Adult Education page. 

To access the Adult Education page, filter Pages by "adult education" or navigate to  Student Data > Other > Adult Education:

The following page will display.

Add Adult Education Record

To add Adult Education information for your student, click the mouse on the "Add" button. An Edit Adult Education Record window will display.  Enter your student's Adult Education information then click the mouse on either the Save or the Save and Close button. 

The Save button will allow a user to save data entry information while continuing to add information for a student without closing the Edit Adult Education page. The Save and Close button will save the data and close the window. 

Once the student's data has been entered, the student's Adult Education information is displayed on the Adult Education page.