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The Electronic Score Report Manager is available at the District and the School levels. As the Electronic Score Report Notification System processes, records of students that have new Final score reports are added to the Electronic Score Report Log (ERL) table along with the date the score report was found and the date when the parent was emailed the notification. If the parent does not have an appropriate email in Aeries, then a record is added to the ERL table with the Parent Emailed date empty. The Electronic Score Report Manager lists all of these results and can be used by school staff to identify which students' parents will need to be manually notified. At the district level all students in the district are listed, at the school level the list of students is limited to those in that particular school.

By default the Electronic Score Report includes all students with new Final Score Reports whose parents have not already downloaded the reports, so the Parent Viewed (ERL.PV) field is 0. The records are sorted by the Parent Viewed, then Date Emailed, Date Found, Student Last Name, and Student First Name. This ensures that records indicating that there is a Score Report available, but parents could not be notified, are at the top of the list. They are followed by the oldest Electronic Score Report notification records where parents were notified but did not view the score reports, and then at the end of the list are the records where parents did view the score report records.

Electronic Score Report Manager page

The top blue header includes additional filtering and functionality. Selecting codes in the Student Tags field will limit the list of students to those with that Status (STU.TG). Entering a date in the Leave Date field will limit the list of students to those whose Leave Date (STU.LD) is greater than the entered date or is blank.

Electronic Score Report Manager - Student Tags filter

Selecting the Show DNR Students option will display the students whose "Do Not Release Records" (STU.DNR) field is set to hide contact data. The letters DNR will display  in red next to their names to quickly identify them. Since these students' contact information must not be released, districts will need to determine procedures for removing the address in the score reports before sending them out.

Electronic Score Report Manager - Show DNR option

Selecting the Show Viewed Reports option will display all of the students whose parents either downloaded the score reports already, or that had already been printed and sent out through the Electronic Score Report Manager. These Electronic Score Report records will all have a Parent Viewed field (ERL.PV) of 1. 

Electronic Score Report Manager - Show Viewed Reports option

Clicking on the column headers will sort the records in ascending or descending order by that column. Multiple column sorts can also be performed. In the below example the SC column was set to sort in descending order followed by the Test column sorted in ascending order. Clicking on the column header once will sort it in ascending order, a second click will switch it to descending order, and a third click will bring it back to default.

Electronic Score Report Manager - Sort Columns

Column filters can also be used to limit the list of students. In the below example the Test field is being filtered to display only the ELPAC Electronic Score Report records.

Electronic Score Report Manager - Filter Columns

Electronic Score Report records can be selected for printing by either clicking on the records individually (selected records will be highlighted in blue),

Electronic Score Report Manager - Select Student

or by using the Select All option. The Select All option will highlight all of the students on the page. We recommend printing the score reports in small batches and not selecting more than a couple of pages at a time.

Electronic Score Report Manager - Select All option

Once the students are selected their score reports can be generated by clicking on the Print button. A confirmation message will pop up with an option to just print the score report or to print them and also update the Parent Viewed (ERL.PV) flag. To just print the score reports without updating the Parent Viewed flag click on the OK. To print the score reports and also update the Parent Viewed (ERL.PV) flag click on Print and Mark Viewed

Electronic Score Report Manager - Print and Mark Viewed message

After selecting either the OK or the Print and Mark Viewed the score reports are generated and become available as a pdf in a new browser tab. If the Print and Mark Viewed was selected the Electronic Score Report records will have their Parent Viewed (ERL.PV) flag updated to a 1 and a comment with the print date will be added to the Comments. These records will now drop to the end of the list and by default will be hidden but can be viewed by selecting the Show Viewed Reports option.

Electronic Score Report Manager - Students with printed reports example

The score report pdf that is generated will be in the same order as the list of Electronic Score Report records. In the above example Ryan Bell's CAASPP score reports will be first followed by Alice Abdelnour's ELPAC score reports. One score report will be printed for each Student record, plus one score report for each Contact record where one of these criteria are met:

  • Contact 1 Description (CON.C1D) is not empty, or
  • Contact 2 Description (CON.C2D) is not empty, or
  • Primary Contact (CON.PC) = 'Y'  , or
  • Educational Rights Holder (CON.ERH) = 'Y', or
  • Lives With (CON.LW) = 'Y', or
  • Mail Tag (CON.MT) = 'A'

If the Student Correspondence Language (STU.CL) is not English and ETS has a score report available in that language, then the PDF will be printed in that language. Likewise for the Contact record Correspondence Language (CON.CL). If ETS does not have a score report available in a non-English Student or Contact Correspondence Language, then an English copy will be generated.

The Electronic Score Report Manager also has the ability to open up the State Test Scores Reports page in a new tab for a student by clicking on their name. 

Electronic Score Report Manager - Open up State Electronic Test Scores Reports page for a student

The Edit icon can also be used to update a student's Electronic Score Report Log (ERL) record when the parent(s) have been manually notified of the new score report(s) or with other useful information.

Electronic Score Report Manager - Edit a record example

Queries can also be run against the Electronic Score Report Log (ERL) table to create a list of students whose parents need to be manually notified. The below query lists any students that have a 2019 score report but the parents were not notified through the automated process and were not notified manually.


Electronic Score Report Manager - Fields used in Query example

Query - List of students whose parents need to be notified to view Score Reports