User-Defined Codes and Locations
Credits Needed to Pass Algebra I
Single-Sex Academic Class Definition
Navigate to School Info > Imports and Exports > Civil Rights Data Collection > General Settings tab
The General Settings tab contains the set up for the dates and many of the code values used in the Civil Rights Data Collection calculations. Some code values will use default options. The information for these fields will need to be reviewed/updated prior to processing the Civil Rights report.
User-Defined Codes and Locations ↑
Use the dropdowns to select the table, field and value for Limited English (LEP) students and any alternate table, field and values for the 504 Plan and GATE codes. If you are familiar with the table and field names used in Query you can type the information into each dropdown and press the TAB key to move to the next one. Please see the description below to determine if your district needs to set up any additional table and field locations.
- LEP - Limited English Proficient or English Learner - the STU.LF field is used to identify students as English Learners. Enter the code value used to designate English Learner students. NOTE: multiple field values can be entered for districts that have more than one code to identify Limited English Learners.
Use the dropdowns to select the table, field and value for any alternate table, field and values for the 504 Plan and GATE codes. If you are familiar with the table and field names used in Query you can type the information into each dropdown and press the TAB key to move to the next one. Please see the description below to determine if your district needs to set up any additional table and field locations.
- 504 Plan - If the 504 Plans (FOF) table is not used to identify the 504 students, then enter the alternate table (usually PGM.CD = 101) that holds this information. The CRDC calculations will first use the 504 Plans (FOF) table to identify any students that had an active 504 record during the 2023-24 school year. If no FOF records can be found for the student, then it will also use the information defined in this area to identify the 504 students. Typically the Programs table with Code value 101 (PGM.CD = 101) is the alternate table that stores 504 program records. NOTE: FOF and PGM tables and fields will always be evaluated in conjunction with their dates. In order to include the student in the 504 count, the alternate table/field record will need to meet the defined condition and be active as of the Fall Reporting Date
- GATE - If the Gate (GTE) table is not used to identify the Gate students, then enter the alternate table (usually PGM.CD = 127) that holds this information. The CRDC calculations will first use the Gate (GTE) table to to identify any students that had an active GATE record during the 2023-24 school year. If no GTE records can be found for the student, then it will also use the information defined in this area to identify the GATE students. Typically the Programs table with Code value 127 (PGM.CD = 127) is the alternate table that stores GATE program records. NOTE: GTE and PGM tables and fields will always be evaluated in conjunction with their dates. In order to include the student in the GATE count, the alternate table/field record will need to meet the defined condition and be active as of the Fall Reporting Date
NOTE: Do not enter the 504 Plans (FOF) table and field for the 504 Plan setting, or the Gate (GTE) table and field for the GATE setting. The FOF and GTE tables will be checked for active records by default. The purpose of these settings is to identify other tables that may hold this information (typically Special Programs Details (PGM)).
Retention Codes ↑
The Retentions (RET) table is the data source used to determine which students were retained (not promoted) at the end of the school year. The Retention Codes area includes all Retention (RET) codes set up in the Code (COD) table (where COD.TC = 'RET' and COD.FC = 'CD' ). Select the code(s) used to tag students as retained. The Civil Rights calculations will include the Retention (RET) records with the selected codes and with a Retention Date (RET.DT) that is on or after the first day of the reporting school year to determine if students were retained during the school year.
Reporting Dates ↑
The Reporting Dates section contains all dates needed to run the report. It includes the Reporting Dates for Fall and Spring, the Term End Dates for Fall and Spring, and the Special Ed Reporting Date.
- Per CRDC Guidelines the Fall snapshot date must be a date when schools were in session on or near October 1.
- The Spring date will only be used if there are sections with block scheduling. CRDC defines block scheduling as a schedule that allows a full-year course to be taken in a single semester. A user field (MST.U#) must be set up to identify the Spring block classes. Per CRDC Guidelines the Spring snapshot date must be a date when schools were in session near March 1.
- The End dates for Fall and Spring are used to determine the Algebra I student enrollment counts. The dates need to be a date near the end of each term when all schools were in session.
- The Special Ed Reporting Date is used to determine if a student was enrolled in the Special Ed program on that date. If so, they are included in the Special Ed counts.
Clicking on the Info button on the Reporting Dates header will display information about the reporting dates.
NOTE: Please review the information available on the CRDC Resource Center for more information on the Reporting Dates and any other reporting requirements/definitions.
Credits Needed to Pass Algebra I ↑
Enter the number of credits needed to complete the Algebra I course(s) for the 7-8 and the 9-12 grade levels. These values will be used in the CRDC calculation to determine how many students passed the Algebra I courses during the reporting year.
Single-Sex Academic Class Definition ↑
The Civil Rights calculations will use either the Master Schedule Sex (MST.GN) field or the Courses Traditional Gender (CRS.TGN) field that is selected on the General Settings tab to determine the number of Single-Sex academic classes offered at the schools.
Transitional Kindergarten ↑
Per CRDC guidelines Transitional Kindergarten students can be included in either the Kindergarten counts or the Preschool counts depending on the TK program (CRDC Data Tip: Reporting Transitional Kindergarten Students in the CRDC). By default the TK students will be counted in the Kindergarten counts. Select the Preschool option if they need to be included in the Preschool counts in your district.
After all selections have been made on the General Settings tab click on the Save General Setting button. A green message will display in the upper right corner once the settings are saved. Click on the Next button to go to the Courses tab.