This error occurs when there are duplicate SCSC records in the file. Two or more records with the same SSID (duplicate) must not be submitted as completing the same course section within the same Marking Period
The following CALPADS data elements must be unique for each SCSC record for a student:
10.05 School of Course Delivery
10.06 Academic Year ID
10.07 SSID
10.13 Local Course ID
10.14 Course Section ID
10.15 Academic Term Code
10.20 Marking Period Code
In the June 22, 2018 update, adjustments have been made to alleviate this error:
Aeries update June 22, 2018: The Student Course Section Completion (SCSC) extract had the potential to create duplicate records under some circumstances, fixed.
Also, SCSC records are being consolidated (credits added up) if they have the same School, Year, Student ID, Academic Term, Course ID, and Marking Period.
Below is more information on the process to consolidate the duplicate records:
Note: Transcript records that have identical values for Course, Course Section ID, and Term, will be combined into a single SCSC record as of the 6/22/2018 update. Previously these records would generate a fatal CALPADS error: SCSC0230 - Duplicate SSIDs submitted for the same Course Section (SCSC). The credits from the multiple duplicate records will be totaled and the final grade from the first record will be extracted into a single SCSC record.
Transcript records that have identical values for Course and Term but the Course Section IDs are different, Aeries will extract two SCSC records where one record will generate a different term to prevent the SCSC0230 error.
If the combined SCSC records end up totaling MORE than the value entered in the 1 Yr Crs Units field on the School Information page, that would result in a different error: SCSC0513 - Carnegie Units Earned cannot be greater than 1. Here is the documentation on how to resolve that error: LINK