
College Board School Code  

Cal Grant Options  

Options Tab  

Schools Tab  

Processing the Cal Grant or Extract Listing


Navigate to School Options > Imports and Exports > Cal Grant GPA Export.

The Cal Grant GPA Export screen will allow users with appropriate permissions to print a Cal Grant GPA Listing and create a text file for the Create Cal Grant Extract.  


The Admin user type automatically has the Cal Grant GPA Export node in the navigation tree without any additional security setup. Admin users can create both the Cal Grant GPA Listing report and the Cal Grant Extract file.

Non-admin users will need Read to the Cal Grant Extracts permission set for the Cal Grant GPA Export node to appear in the navigation. Users with Read access can only create the Cal Grant GPA Listing report and download already-created extract files. Users with both Read and Administer access to the Cal Grant Extracts permission set will be able to create the Cal Grant GPA Listing report and the Cal Grant GPA Extract file.

Cal Grant Extracts
Admin will automatically have full permissions to extract functions
Read (non-admin users)

Administer (non-admin users)
To see the Cal Grant GPA Export Node in Navigation and Print Cal Grant GPA Listing
To process Create Cal Grant GPA Export
Legal Student Information (LSI)ReadTo see option "Print Student Legal Name" on page and extract legal name and legal gender in Cal Grant GPA Export and Listing.

Please view this article: Security  for more detailed information on how to set up permissions for users.

College Board School Code  

All schools reporting Cal Grant information to the California Student Aid Commission must have a High School College Board School Code number. This code is stored in the School Options (LOC) screen. To enter/ update the College Board School Code:

  1. Go to the School Options screen 
  2. Select the school and click on the Change or Edit button 
  3. Enter the College Board School Code number
  4. Click on Update to save the changes.

Once the College Board School Code has been entered it will display on the Schools tab of the Cal Grant GPA Export when run at the district level.

When run at the school level, the following will display.

A red message indicating that the College Board School Code is required to run the extract displays at both the district and the school level for any schools that are missing this code. At the district level schools without a College Board School Code value cannot be selected from the Schools page. The selection box will be disabled.

District level message:

School level message:

Cal Grant Options  

The Cal Grant GPA Export screen displays all of the available options required to run the Cal Grant extract. Admin users or non-admin users with Administer to the Cal Grant Extracts permission are able to edit and save the options from the default settings. These settings are saved in the District Options (DPT) table when the Cal Grant GPA Extract is created or the Cal Grant GPA Listing is generated.

Prior to creating the Cal Grant GPA Extract, review the High School GPA Calculation requirements posted by the California Student Aid Commission at:

High School GPA Calculation

Below is information from the link:

A high school GPA is calculated on a 4.00 scale to two decimal places (between 0.00 and 4.00). Do not use a weighted scale. Convert any grades with extra weighting for honors and advanced placement classes to a 4.00 scale before calculating the GPA. GPAs calculated beyond a 4.00 scale will not be accepted.

For students who have not yet graduated high school, calculate the GPA using all academic course work for the sophomore year, the summer following the sophomore year, the junior year, and the summer following the junior year. The high school GPA excludes physical education (PE), Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), and remedial courses. Remedial work is defined as any course that is not counted toward high school graduation. Failing grades must be included in the GPA calculation unless the course has been retaken. Only include the most recent grade for any course repeated by the student. 

Per the High School GPA Calculation guidelines, only academic course work is used to calculate the Cal Grant GPA. Prior to running the Cal Grant GPA Listing and Extract make sure that courses are properly tagged as either academic or non-academic. Populate an “N” for all Non-Academic Courses in the N/H field of the Courses (CRS) table.

In addition, non-letter grades such as Pass/No Pass or Credit/No Credit will not be included in the calculation of the Cal Grant GPA. To review this further you can find more information on the California Student Aid Commission's FAQ document: FAQs: Impact of COVID-19 on Commission Programs  

Information in the blue header at the top of the screen explains which terms are used the calculate the Cal Grant GPA in Aeries. By default the Cal Grant GPA uses all academic coursework for the sophomore year, the summer following the sophomore year, the junior year and the summer following the junior year. If your district or school needs to modify the default Grades and Terms settings it can be done by selecting or de-selecting the appropriate terms.

An additional NOTE has been added under the Grades and Terms option further explaining how the GPA is calculated. To take into account cases where students receive diminished credits (i.e., the completed credits are less than attempted credits for courses that they do not receive an F as the grade), the GPA is calculated as the total of the grade points multiplied by the credits completed, and then divided by the total credits completed. If the student receives an F, the credits attempted are used in the calculation for that grade rather than the credits completed. Please refer to the California Student Aid Commission documentation regarding other GPA calculation rules.

Options Tab  

Extract (or print) student not already tagged as "extracted" - This option will limit the students in the report or extract to those that have not already been tagged in the Report Tag (RTG) table as being extracted for the Cal Grant. 

Tag students as "extracted" during extraction - This option will create a Report Tag (RTG) record with a Report Name (RNM) = 'CALGRANTGPAEXPORT' and a Report Tag (QT) = 'X'. Students that were not included in the extract will have a blank Report Tag (QT).

Do not include Remedial Classes (CRS.CL = 35) - Select the Do not include Remedial Classes (CRS.CL = 35) option to exclude courses tagged as Remedial in the Course Level (CRS.CL) field of the Courses screen.

Do Not Include CRS - The Do not include CRS option along with the drop-downs can be used to exclude courses with specific codes in the UC1 - UC8 code fields in the Course screen.

Print Student's Legal Name - Select this option to extract the student's Legal Name in the Export file or the Cal Grant GPA Listing. This option will only display if the user processing the GPA extract or report has Read permission to LSI table. This option has a default setting that is stored in the DPT table and is managed on the District Settings page. The default setting will determine if this option is pre-selected or unselected upon loading the page. The setting can be changed at any time but will always display based on the District Setting rule.

Repeat Tags to Include in the GPA Calculation - The Repeat Tags to Include in the GPA Calculation can be used to include or exclude specific Repeat Tags in the GPA calculation. 

Graduation Date - The Graduation Date by default is initially populated with the last day in the school or district Calendar. If the date is manually changed the page will remember the newly entered date. This date will be used in the Cal Grant extract for students that do not already have a Graduation Date (STU.DG). Please verify the correct date is entered before running the extract. 

NOTE:  To tag a course as non-academic, populate an “N” for “Non-Academic Course” in the N/H field of the Courses (CRS) table.  The Courses page is under the Scheduling Process node in the navigation tree.

Schools Tab  

When extracted or printed from the District, select the appropriate schools to be included in the Cal Grant GPA extract or listing.

Processing the Cal Grant Extract and Listing

A KEEP query must be run prior to creating the Cal Grant GPA Extract or Listing. A red alert box with a link to Aeries Query will display under the Cal Grant Options and the Create Cal Grant Extract and Print Cal Grant GPA Listing buttons will remain greyed out until the KEEP query is run.


After the KEEP query is run a message will display at the top of the screen indicating how many students are included in the query results.  

NOTE: The KEEP query does not include inactive students by default. If inactive students (i.e., early graduates) need to be included in the Cal Grant GPA Extract or Listing then the query will need to include that condition. For example, KEEP STU IF GR = 12 AND ( TG = "" OR  ( TG # "" AND DG # NULL ) )

When running the Cal Grant GPA Export from the district level, the Schools to be included in the Cal Grant GPA Extract or Listing also need to be selected before the Create Cal Grant Extract and Print Cal Grant GPA Listing buttons become available.

The Print Cal Grant GPA Listing button will generate a report listing the students’ Cal Grant GPA. The GPA will be calculated for all academic coursework for the grades, terms and options selected. The listing can be viewed/printed from the screen or from the link in the completion email sent to the user that generated the report. Generating the Cal Grant GPA Listing will also update the Cal Grant GPA field in the Student Data table (STU.CGG). When the report is generated from District, there will be a page break between each school.

Click on the Create Cal Grant Extract button to create the extract. The extract will be in the Use Non-SSN Layout. As the extract is processing a red progress bar will display at the top of the page and a message will display under the Graduation Date indicating that the Cal Grant Export is running. 

Once the extract has been created a message will display under the Graduation Date indicating the date and time when the extract was last run. A completion email along with a link to the extract file will be sent to the user that generated the extract. Generating the Cal Grant GPA Extract will also update the Cal Grant GPA field in the Student Data table (STU.CGG). 

Also, the Cal Grant Extract will display in the File Download area. The Filters button can be used to limit the list of extract files in the download area. The Reset button will display all Cal Grant Extract files once again. 

Click on the download icon to download the Extract file.

This file can be uploaded into the Web Grants system using the Non-SSN Layout. Below is a link to the Student Aid Commission upload documentation. Select the Non-SSN  Upload User Guide

Upload User Guides