The Mass Update Graduation Status process can be run for one school at the school level. At the district level, the process can be run for one school or for multiple schools. Schools are chosen on the School Selection tab. When a user is logged into a school, that school will be checked and other schools can not be selected:

 When a user is logged in at the district level, a group of schools can be selected: 

At the district level, the All, None, Save, and Default buttons are available:

  • The All button will select all schools in the list.
  • The None button will de-select all schools in the list.
  • The Save button will save the selected schools for use during the Mass Update Graduation Status process.
  • The Default button will select the default group of schools in the district:  regular session schools with a 12th grade that are not tagged as Do Not Report (on School Options).