Process Students

View Data





Clicking on the Process Students button will generate the list of students that may qualify by the end of the year or do already qualify for the State Seal of Biliteracy award. The students are displayed under the View Data heading. 

Process Students  

Once the Process students button has been selected a processing symbol appears indicating that the program is creating the list of potential and qualifying students.

The Process Students function will evaluate the 12th grade students' transcripts (HIS), 11th grade CAASPP ELA test score (TST), ELPAC Oral Language scores (TST), and AP, IB,  and SAT I Evidence-Based Reading and Writing College Test Scores (CTS) to determine which students will potentially qualify or do qualify for the State Seal of Biliteracy. The student’s Reporting Language (STU.HL) field along with their Language Fluency field (STU.LF) will be used to determine if the student needs to complete Req #1c - Additional English Proficiency Requirement for English Learner Students. The system will also use the Graduation Status (HSG) table to determine if they have fulfilled the English credits. 

An alert box will display when the process has completed with direction to click on the View Data header.

View Data  

To view the students click on the View Data bar to bring up the list. The information on the View Data tab, including the students' ids and requirement values, is also stored in the Report Tags (RTG) table for the user that processed the students. With this feature users can log out of Aeries and when they log in again and go to the State Seal of Biliteracy View Data screen they will see the results as of the last time that they processed or saved changes to the screen.

Students included on the report are:

  • currently active 12th grade students (an option to include inactive students is available to include students that graduate before the end of the school year)
  • that have either completed the English graduation requirement with a GPA of 3.0 or above (includes Work in Progress classes to determine credit completion). NOTE: Grades of P (Pass), CR (Credit), or any other non-traditional A-F grade will be included in the course GPA if the marks are set to Count in GPA Computation in the Valid Marks page.
  • or completed an assessment from the below list that demonstrates English proficiency:
    • passed the 11th grade CAASPP ELA test at the “Standard Met” level or above
    • passed an English Advance Placement (AP) exam with a score of 3 or above
    • passed an English International Baccalaureate (IB) exam with a score of 4 or higher
    • passed the SAT I Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section with a score of 480 or higher.

The student’s Reporting Language (STU.HL) field along with their Language Fluency field (STU.LF) will be used to determine if the student needs to complete Req #1c - Additional English Proficiency Requirement for English Learners Only. Students whose Reporting Language is not English, and are tagged as English Learners in the STU.LF field, and do not have any ELPAC Oral Language records will still be included on the report, but will have a message indicating that ELPAC records were not found. 

The View Data screen lists each of the potential and qualifying students with their status for the two eligibility criteria and the ELPAC criterion. Since the State Seal of Biliteracy will often be run before the end of the school year the program identifies the students that will potentially qualify for the award if they complete the English and Foreign language requirements, as well as those students that already qualify for it. Normally when run before the last term grades have been copied into the Transcript (HIS) table most students will only potentially qualify.

Clicking on the header will sort the records on the screen in order of the selected header, with the students' last and first name as a secondary sort.

Users can change any student from a potentially qualified status to a qualified status by selecting the Qualifies? box. They may do this in cases where the system does not have all of the information necessary to determine if the student qualified for the State Seal of Biliteracy, for example, if the student demonstrated mastery in a foreign language through a district-determined language test. 

Options at the bottom of the tab allow you to choose to display only the potential students, only the qualifying students, or both. 

If any changes are entered on the screen the Save Changes button will turn red as a reminder that the changes need to be saved prior to leaving the screen otherwise the changes will be lost. Clicking on the Print button will also first save any changes prior to creating the report.

NOTE: Hand-entered changes on the View Data screen will be lost if the user re-processes the State Seal of Biliteracy.  Re-processing the students refreshes all of the records in the Report Tags (RTG) table for that report and that user. Hand-entered changes may need to be re-entered if they are based off of information that the system does not have, for example, if the student demonstrated mastery in a foreign language through a district-determined language test. A copy of the report should be generated or a query of the Report Tags table should be run so that those changed can quickly be re-entered.


A report can also be generated for all students that potentially qualify or qualify for the State Seal of Biliteracy by clicking on the Print button.

This report will list all of the students in the same sort order as selected on the View Data screen. To the right of the student’s name is the status of each of the eligibility criteria for that student and whether or not they qualify for the State Seal of Biliteracy award.


At the end of the year the State Seal of Biliteracy form can be used to add Activities and Awards (ACT) records for the students that received the award. 

A State Seal of Biliteracy code will need to exist in the Activities and Awards (ACT) table. If it is not already in the dropdown it can be added in the Update Code Table screen. Select the ACT table and CD field. Add a code and description for the State Seal of Biliteracy. For more information on how to update the Code (COD) table see the Code Table Management article. The ACT codes being used for State Seal of Biliteracy will also need to be identified on the CALPADS Extract  > Other Options tab in order for the student's CCI page to also update correctly. Please review this article: CALPADS Extracts - Other Options for additional information. 

Only students that have a Completion Date (STU.DG), Completion Code (STU.HSG), and qualify to receive the State Seal of Biliteracy will receive ACT records. Prior to running the State Seal of Biliteracy form at the end of the school year make sure that all 12th grade student have been updated with their completion date and code.

Select the Award Code that will be used to populate the ACT record. Click on the Update button to create the ACT records.

The creation of the ACT records must be done at the end of the school year after 12th grade students have been updated with Completion Status (i.e., Graduation) Dates (STU.DG) and Completion Codes (STU.HSG).

After the ACT records have been added the user will receive an email indicating how many ACT records were updated. 

NOTE: The Completion Code (STU.HSG) must be non-blank and not equal to 480 (Promoted – matriculated) in order to create an ACT record for the State Seal of Biliteracy.

The ACT records can be viewed in Student Data | Other | Activities and Awards.


As the State Seal of Biliteracy processes, the Report Tags (RTG) table is updated with a record for each student. The Potentially Qualified students will have a Report Tag (RTG.QT) value of "RQs" and the Qualified students will have a Report Tag (RTG.QT) value of "QF".

Queries can be run to further evaluate these students or to KEEP the students for other processing (printing letters or certificates). 

This query can be used to list the Potentially Qualified Students with their Status, School, Student ID, Name, Grade, Completion Status and Completion Date along with their State Seal of Eligibility report tag value:


This query can be used to list the Qualified Students with their Status, School, Student ID, Name, Grade, Completion Status and Completion Date along with their State Seal of Eligibility report tag value:


Please review this article for more information on querying Report Tags


Please refer to the following Help Page for more information on how to report State Seal of Biliteracy recipients to CALPADS please review this article: CALPADS Extracts - Other Options