Create Course and Staff File 

The EOY Course and Staff files must be uploaded to CALPADS in the following order:

  1. Staff Demographics (SDEM)
  2. Course Section Completion File (CRSC)
  3. Student Course Section Completion File (SCSC)


**Note:  The files need to be in the File Status of “Posted” before uploading the next file.


Errors must be reviewed and corrected in Aeries with each file.  Errors should not be corrected on the CALPADS website or directly in the file. 

If errors are not corrected in Aeries, the SDEM file will result in errors in the subsequent files.  For an example, if a teacher has an invalid SEID – Statewide Educator Identifier, in the SDEM file, all the subsequent CRSC and SCSC records will be rejected for that teacher.

The data needs to be corrected in Aeries and new files should be uploaded.  CRSC and SCSC are Full Replacement files. When you send up new files to CALPADS, the existing records in CALPADS will be deleted automatically and replaced with the new file. 

Student Course Section Completion – SCSC File

Course Completions are part of the CALPADS Reporting Requirements for grades 7-12 in traditional schools. 

If the school is one of the following school types, the school is permitted but not required to submit course completion records:

  • Juvenile Court School
  • Division of Juvenile Justice School
  • Community Day School
  • Continuation School
  • Opportunity School
  • Independent Study Charter School (Charter schools delivering a majority of their instruction via independent study)

CALPADS only wants to know which courses were completed in the school this year.  It is important to use the Aeries Grade Reporting process to populate grades and transfer them to HIS.  This also applies to Middle Schools and Jr. Highs.  It is not necessary to have Credits populated at the 7-8 grade levels, just the Mark received.

By using the Aeries Grade Reporting process, the system is able to track the Master Schedule Section Number and Staff ID where the Mark was issued.  This is important to how CALPADS wants to collect this information

Below are the conditions for a record to be included in the SCSC file:

  • Skips schools with school type of Elementary (LOC.E = 1)
  • Students must have an SSID (STU.CID)
  • Students grade level 7 through 12
  • Student must have attendance enrollment during the school year.


Transcript information


Below are the conditions for a transcript (HIS) record to be included in the SCSC file:

  • The transcript record must match the current school HIS.SSC = LOC.SC or if the student has a Reporting Home School (STU.HS) populated, match the CDS of the Reporting Home School. Note: exception is Dual Enrollment Courses, see information below
  • From the current school year
  • History Marks (HIS.MK) of blank and “X” will be skipped
  • History Section (HIS.SE) must match to a valid section in the Master Schedule (MST) and the MST.CN must be a valid course in the CRS file.  When Copying Grades to History, the History Section (HIS.SE) and History Staff ID (HIS.SID) will be populated from GRD.  Note: exception is Dual Enrollment Courses, see information below
  • Transcript records with a valid course record. Course records with State Course Course number 6012 will be skipped.
  • History Terms (HIS.TE) must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 8

Transcript State Terms


The transcript terms (HIS.TE) for each school must be mapped to a valid State Term Code. The State Term Codes are the Academic Terms in the CALPADS Code Set. On the Transcript Definitions form click on the Terms tab. Map the Semester/Term Headings to the State Term Codes.  Summer School terms (SS, IS and SP) will not be included in the SCSC file.

If the Grade Reporting process is not used and the Master Schedule Section Number needs to be entered directly into the HIS table, 

Click the mouse on the Edit icon to the left of the transcript record. 

The following will display.  Enter a valid school number in the Section School field. Enter a valid Section number from the Master Schedule.  If the Section School is not valid, and section number entered is not a valid section number from the Master Schedule, the record will not be included in the SCSC file. Note: exception is Dual Enrollment Courses, see information below.

Dual Enrollment Courses

A Transcript field is available to help with CALPADS reporting of Dual Enrollment courses. The Dual Enrollment Credit School field (HIS.SDE) will be used by the CALPADS extracts to identify the college level courses taken by a student. 

This field allows the School Taken (HIS.ST) to be populated with the Community College while the Dual Enrollment Credit School would be populated with the high school of the student at the time of enrollment. 

The CALPADS EOY extracts will create virtual "Course Section IDs" in the Course Section File (CRSC) and the Student Course Section Completion File (SCSC).

More information is available:   EOY1: How to tag Dual Enrollment Courses?

Carnegie Units Earned

A new field has been added to the SCSC extract to collect Carnegie Units Earned per course record. Here is the definition of a Carnegie Unit for CALPADS reporting: 

A Carnegie Unit is granted to a student completing approximately 120 hours of class in one subject over the course of one year. For example, a total of 120 hours in one subject—meeting 4 or 5 times a week for 40 to 60 minutes, for 36 to 40 weeks each year—earns the student one “Carnegie unit” of high school credit.

For the CALPADS extract, the Carnegie Units Earned is now calculated by taking the Credits Completed for the course on the transcript (HIS.CC) and dividing it by the 1 Yr Crs Units field (LOC.YCU) on the School Information page. If a district is getting unanticipated results, they should review this setting for each of their secondary schools. For example, if a middle school gives students 1 credit per course per semester, their setting should be 2 units, not 10.  For most secondary schools who award 5 credits per semester, the 1 Yr Crs Units should be set to 10.

District’s should NOT assign more than 1 years’ worth of credits completed for a course in a single academic term; they would need to break it up into separate records, either by a different term, or section. 

Also, schools should be entering college courses into their transcripts in order to count towards the students' College and Career Indicator status. However, if the college is reporting more units than the school gives out in 1 year, they should translate it to match the school's value in their 1 Yr Crs Units field on School Information

This may mean a change in procedure for the way some credit recovery or alternative schools have been operating. For schools issuing partial credits in each grading window, the HIS records are handled a bit differently. Transcript records that have identical values for Course, Course Section ID, and Term, will be combined into a single SCSC record, in order to avoid generating a fatal CALPADS error: SCSC0230 - Duplicate SSIDs submitted for the same Course Section (SCSC).  The credits from the multiple duplicate records will be totaled and the final grade from the first record will be extracted into a single SCSC record. 

Note:  If your school is awarding partial credits during multiple marking periods for the same Course Section and Academic Term, you may receive the CSC0513 Error - Carnegie Units Earned cannot be greater than 1 if the consolidated credits calculate a Carnegie Units Earned value greater than 1.0. If that is the case, you may need to take the HIS record(s) that caused the combined total to equal more than 1 years' credit and move it to either a different Course Section or Academic Term.

CALPADS Flash 181:  Carnegie Unit IVR SCSC0513 Changed Severity to a Warning

While the majority of courses are worth one Carnegie Unit, there are instances where a course is worth up to two Carnegie Units. Therefore, the severity of IVR SCSC0513 was changed from a fatal to a warning on June 16, 2020. In the future this IVR will be modified to allow no more than 2 Carnegie Units.