Print an Individual Standards Based Report Card
Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Reports > Standards Based Report Cards
Click on the Standards Based Report Cards report. A selection box will display. Some of the options will be slightly different than the screenshot depending on the if the school's scheduling type is Elementary (LOC.E = 1), Elementary with Master Schedule (LOC.E = 2), or Flex (LOC.E = 3).
- Select Report Card to Print - select Progress to print Progress Report cards and Standards Based Grades to print Standards Based Grades report cards
- Print Language - print report cards in ALL languages. Each student will receive one report card either in their Correspondence Language or in English depending on if the report cards have a translation for the correspondence language. Print in English Only – print report cards in English Only regardless of the students' Correspondence Language
- Enter Teacher # to print if not all - This option will display in Elementary (LOC.E = 1) or Elementary with Master Schedule (LOC.E = 2) schools. Print an individual teacher or leave blank for all teachers
- Report Card Type – All, Default (blank) or select a specific Report Card Type
- Sort By Teacher – will print Teacher, Teacher First Name/Last Name or Teacher Last Name/First
- Grade Level - either print an individual grade or All grades
NOTE: In the Grade Level dropdown, the "All Grade" option will only be available if all grade levels are using the same report card format. Report card formats are configured on the Standard Based Grade Options page.
- Print Teacher Signature Line – prints Teacher Signature line for all students on the bottom left corner of the last comment box
- Print Principal Signature Line – prints Principal Signature line for all students on the bottom right corner of the last comment box
- Print Inactive Students – include inactive students
- Replace the Counselor or Primary Teacher label with Teacher - this option is only available for Flex (LOC.E = 3) schools with or without Primary Class Tracking enabled. The following default label will be printed based on the Track Primary Classes for Students option:
School Options > Track Primary Classes for Students is checked SBG report card will print "Primary Teacher" School Options > Track Primary Classes for Students is unchecked SBG report card will print "Counselor"
When the Replace the Counselor or Primary Teacher label with Teacher option is selected the "Primary Teacher" or "Counselor" field label on the printed report card will be changed to "Teacher". - Print Address Block Legal – this option is available for Portrait 2-Column report cards when the Standards Based Option Print Address Block on 2-Column Report Card is selected. When selected, the Portrait 2-Column report cards will be printed on legal-size paper with the school’s return address and the parent/guardian address printed either at the top or the bottom of the report cards and formatted to fit in a window envelope. NOTE: only Admin and User accounts will have this option. It is not available for Teacher, Parent or Student accounts.
- Mail Info at Top – this option becomes available when the Print Address Block Legal option is selected. When this option is selected the return address and parent/guardian address will print at the top of the page.
- Print to Contacts - this option becomes available when the Print Address Block Legal option is selected. When this option is selected a copy of the report card will print for all contacts with a Mail Tag.
- Marks – print for one or more marking periods. NOTE: We recommend that all marking periods are selected.
- Tracks - print for the selected tracks
Additional Options
- By Grade Level - use the Grade Level dropdown above to print for an individual grade
- By Student - A student selector will display to search for selected students
- By Section – This option will display for Elementary with Master Schedule (LOC.E = 2) and Flex (LOC.E = 3) schools.
Click on the Run Report button to generate the report cards.
NOTE: When printing the report cards remember to select the appropriate printing options:
- Select the appropriate Paper Size for the report card that is being printed. For example, Portrait 2-column report cards should be printed on Letter paper, however, when the Print Address Block option is being used the paper size needs to be changed to Legal.
- The Fit to Print option should be unchecked
- Select whether or not to print Two-sided. For example, the Landscape report cards are one-sided and this option should be turned off. The Portrait 2-column report cards are two-sided and this option should be turned on.
This is an example of the print options for Portrait 2-column report cards with the Print Address Block option enabled:
The following is a landscape Standards Based Grade Report Card example:
The following is a 1-Column Portrait Standards Based Report Card example. It is a multi-page report card:
The following is a 2-Column Portrait Standards Based Grade Report Card example. It is a 2 page report card with the Attendance totals and comments on the 2nd page.
Below is an example of the Portrait 2-Column report card using the option to print the address block on the bottom of the page.
If the Correspondence Language code for Spanish (01) is selected, the headings on the report card will also be translated. The translations are hard coded and stored in the usysTrans Table. The following is a 2-Column Portrait Standards Based Grade Report Card example for a student with the Correspondence Language of Spanish (01).
When selecting a particular Report Card Type the description will print in the Report Card header. Below is an example of a report card for a student with the Report Card Type code of Gate.
When printing Progress Report cards the description in the Update Code Table (COD) for the Progress Report Card Type will print in the Report Card header. Below is an example of a Progress Report card.
If a report card includes Mark Type 7 free-form Comment Standards that are in-line within the body of the report card, due to space limitations only the current term Comment Standard will be printed on the report card. Below is an example of the Teacher Standards Based Grades screen with the term 1 and term 2 Comment Standards for a student and a printout of the term 2 report card. Only the term 2 Comment Standard is printed on the report card.
Print an Individual Standards Based Report Card ↑
Admin, User and Teacher accounts with appropriate permissions can print an individual student Standards Based Report Card from the following areas.
Navigate to Student Data > Grades > Standards Based Grades
For Admin and User accounts a Print icon is available at the School and District level on the top right of the Standards Based Grades page.
Navigate to Standards Based Grades > Standards Based by Teacher
Admin and User accounts can also print the the Standard Based Report Card for a student from the Standards Based by Teacher page. This page has a Print icon and a Print button.
Navigate to Student Data > Grades > Standards Based Grades
Teacher accounts are also able to print a Standards Based Grade for an individual student. There is a Print button and Icon located in the teacher portal on the Standards Based Grades page. In order for teachers to be able to print the report card the appropriate permissions to the SBG table must be given and the portal option "Allow Teacher to Print SBG Report Cards" must be enabled.
NOTE: the Print function on these pages do not provide any print options, so in Flex schools the label for the teacher name will display as either "Primary Teacher" or "Counselor" depending on the Track Primary Classes for Students option on the School Options page. In order to print report cards using the "Teacher" label admins, users and teachers will need to use View All Reports > Standards Based Report Cards and select the Replace the Counselor or Primary Teacher label with Teacher print option.
The print icon and button will print the Report Card Type that is selected. If Standards Based Grades is selected the Standards Based Report Card will be printed. If Progress is selected the Progress Report Card will be printed.